But, over time, I've formulated my own list of principles that I feel hold true in an educational context. I've had several administrators and I am fortunate that my administration is incredible! This list grew this year because I have honestly seen an administrator who does things right! I am more empowered and capable and am able to do so many incredible things because of his (and her) support! (I can honestly say that he is great!)
Wake up Call to Administrators
- If you want students to treat teachers with respect, treat teachers with respect.
- If you want students to treat teachers as the authority, give them some authority.
- If you want teachers to act professional, treat them like professionals.
- If you want to hold others accountable, accept accountability for your part of the equation.
- If you want your teachers to be innovators, allow them to be connected to hotbeds of innovation. (Excited teachers are better teachers than bored ones.)
- Don't judge teachers by their age, some of the most innovative teachers I know have been teaching for 30 years.
- The morale of your classrooms is related directly to the morale of your teachers.
- Don't change your mind to agree with the last person who was in your office. At some point you have to make a decision.
- Understand that testing takes a lot of energy and you have to give children energy to recuperate -- one wouldn't draw blood once a week to make sure a person was healthy, the process of over testing can be harmful to their health.
- Good learning is fun and exciting! It is OK to laugh and learn!
- Administrators who go on "witch hunts" end up on trial eventually. Great managers motivate and turn around the employees they have and hire the best as opportunity arises.
- Teachers always talk. They will not keep your confidence. Do not say anything to one teacher that you don't want repeated to everyone else. (If you speak well of teachers in private, this spreads and is a great way to build trust.)
- Don't advocate character education if you're not willing to act with character yourself. Be trustworthy, care, remember teachers are human, and do your best.
- People aren't disposable.
- You can employ a person, but only they employ their own soul. A teacher with their soul in their work is a better teacher than one going through the motions.
- Good administrators are like good coaches - they give their teachers a vision and a person that they can believe in and trust.
- Sometimes HOW you say something is more important than WHAT you say.
- Sometimes HOW you do something is more important than WHAT you do.
- There is no limit to what you can do if you're willing to give others credit.
- Hire good teachers and let them teach.
- Sometimes it is more important to do the right thing than to be right. (Good captains change course when they see they are heading into a deadly storm.)
- Be in the now. Look at people when they talk to you. Your job is people. You can take papers at home with you at night. (When you talk to someone, you should be reading their body language. People think you don't care when you don't look at them.)
- Spend your time removing roadblocks, not being one.
(Note: I started this list for my post on TechLearning called Content Filtration: A Little Dirt for Your Health?)
Also a note on my current administration