Two new podcast episodes to bring to your attention today.
Following last weeks episode onFast Food For the Backcountry, the Wildebeat has followed up this week with an episode on Backcontry Home Cooking which offers some great ideas for cooking your own food while backpacking or hiking in the backcountry. Both episodes, when taken together, are great for considering what type of food you want to carry with you, weighing in the convenience of the pre-packaged meals vs. what you can make yourself. This is a topic that I never take lightly, as I always want to have plenty of food, but I don't want to carry too much extra weight. You'll suffer greatly if you don't have plenty to eat (and drink), but you can end up suffering if you're carrying too much as well. I tend to error on the side of caution and bring more food than I'm going to need.
The other updated podcast today is The Rest of Everest who bring us Episode 27: You've Got Mail!. In this epsiode, the team waits out very windy weather, and spends time contacting civilization through e-mail, corresponding with well wishers and enjoying some time (and food) in camp before the real climb gets underway.