The October 2006 issue of Informa's ten-times-a-year journal Patent World has now been published. Dan Perez (Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld) provides the cover story, 'Survival Tactics', with a review of recent trends in patent litigation and the strategies adopted by businesses for dealing with them.
The IPKat thinks this US-oriented piece deserves to be counterbalanced by a review of tactics in Europe, where businesses have to cope with an environment in which all the exciting disputes seem to concern validity before the European Patent Office but there is a paucity of "real" patent infringement litigation in most countries. How about it, Patent World?
A special bonus for Patent World subscribers is the publishers' supplement, IP & High Technology, which has more pages than Patent World and provides an attractive snapshot of contemporary issues/headaches. Produced for the AIPPI's 40th Congress, it's also a useful guide as to how some of the more assertive law firms who have furnished copy like to project themselves.
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