K12 Keynote: How to Open and Play an MP4 file.

OK. It has taken me two days to download and to get my computer to open David Warlick's Keynote for the Online K12 Conference. I have almost given up, but finally figured it out!

Windows Media Player nor Real player nor QuickTime will view MP4 files without a codec installed. A Codec is like a translation service.

So, here is how you do that. (It took me 30 minutes to figure it out.)

1 - Go to http://www.free-codecs.net/FFDShow_download.htm
2 - Download the FFDShow program and go with the defaults. (Unless you have a video editor and know what you're doing.)
3 - Extract and Install the program which will install the codec.
4 - Open your preferred video player and then Go to File --> Open and Open up David's Movie that you have already downloaded onto your computer!

This should do it! I will also say that I had to try to download the presentation at least three times, but it just downloaded lickety split for me a moment a go.

I hope you enjoy it and I'm about to grade and listen to Dave!

I'm sure there is an easier way to do this and if you have it, let me know. I have to work at it!

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