Latest on Landis

It's been a few days since I've posted anything on the Floyd Landis drug testing story. I think I've been hoping beyond hope that some how he'll come out vindicated in the whole thing, and still retain his Tour de France title. However, this morning, ESPN is reporting that Landis tested positive for having synthetic testosterone in his system, which doesn't bode well for his chances at all. If this story proves to be true, and I really have no reason not to believe it is, it's a pretty cut and dry case. If you want to hear more of Landis' side of the story, you can read his Q & A Sessions over at the Outside Magazine website.

As for me, I can only sum up what I'm feeling in a single world. Disappointment.

Update: It is widly being reported that the results from Landis' "B Sample" should be announced on Saturday. Guess all we can do at this point is hold on, and wait to see what the lab has to say then.

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