There are reports that the plot to blow up airliners over the Atlantic (August 2006) may be linked to an organisation called Tablighi Jamaat, which may be linked to Pakistan Intelligence, which may have been penetrated not just by the CIA but also by Mossad.
From The Guardian, 19 August 2006:,,1853800,00.html
Tablighi Jamaat, whose activities are being monitored by the security services, holds tightly guarded meetings on an industrial estate close to the area where some of the suspects in last week's terror raids were arrested.
This week it emerged that at least seven of the 23 suspects under arrest on suspicion of involvement in the plot to blow up transatlantic airliners may have participated in Tablighi events.
The organisation - influenced by a branch of Saudi Arabian Islam known as Wahhabism - has already been linked to two of the July 7 suicide bombers who attended a Tablighi mosque at the organisation's headquarters in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. The jailed shoe bomber Richard Reid is also known to have attended Tablighi meetings.
B Raman, Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, wrote the following:
LTTE targets ISI station chief in Colombo ( Cached )
Col. Bashir Wali, a former chief of Pakistan's Intelligence Bureau, and a fomer officer of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was posted as the Pakistani High Commissioner in Colombo in June 2004.
It is reported that Col. Wali was and still is an active member of the Tablighi Jamaat.
Washington's Pakistani Allies: Killers and Drug Dealers, by Rahul Bedi in New Delhi
Reprinted from Sydney Morning Herald, September 27, 2001
... Opium cultivation and heroin production in Pakistan's northern tribal belt and adjoining Afghanistan were a vital offshoot of the ISI-CIA co-operation.
Ralph Olson Sr., on 2 Jan 2005, wrote about:
"Charlie Wilson's War" by George Crile, Grove Press,NY, 2003.
... the CIA, since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, cultivated the ISI as their most important client and agent...
I just read "Charlie Wilson's War" by George Crile, Grove Press, NY, 2003.
The Mossad used Charlie Wilson to penetrate the CIA's Afghan campaign, and thereby the ISI and the Pakistani government at all levels...
CIA officer Milton Bearden says that in this period Dick Cheney played a key role in getting Wilson appointed to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which may suggest that Cheney was an important player in the pro-Israeli network even at this point ("The Main Enemy", Milton Bearden, Ballantine Books, NY, 2003. pg. 277).
The Israelis may have gained Wilson's allegiance in part by pandering to his appetites. Charlie Wilson was very close with at least three very beautiful Israeli women, and at least two of these were put in his path by the Israeli government. One was "Ziva, a beautiful Israeli ballerina" (Crile, pg. 2).
Then there was "a raven-haired captain in the Israeli Defense Forces.She was the congressman's official guide to the war zone, and Wilson's infatuation began on that first trip into the desert to see the burning Russian tanks" (Crile, pg. 32).
Then he was introduced to Gila Almagor, Israel's leading movie star (Crile,pg. 32). "By the time he got back to Washington, Wilson hadbecome, in his own words, 'an Israeli commando' in the U.S.Congress" (Crile, pg. 32)...
As soon as he had gained access to the key Congressional positions, the "Israeli commando" became obsessed with funding and controling the CIA's Afhan jihad against the Soviets. In the words of Milton Bearden, the CIA Field Officer in Afghanistan at the time, "More than any other member of either house, Charlie fashioned Congress into the engine that drove the CIA's program for Afghanistan." (Bearden, pg. 277).
Given what George Crile has revealed about Charlie Wilson's career,we can substitute "the Mossad" for "Charlie" in the previous statement...
Traveling from Israel to Pakistan, Wilson was successful in selling president Zia on acquiring massive amounts ofIsraeli technology and weaponry (Crile, 140 - 153)...
So in summary, the Israelis were very major players in the Afghan jihad, providing crucial technology and weaponry. They accomplished this not by interfacing with the CIA, which opposed their involvement, but by interfacing their own intelligence agencies directly with the U.S. Congress, and using Congressional delegations to establish their own direct connections to the government and intelligence services of Pakistan. The Israeli/Pakistan connnection was crucial to the success of the Afghan campaign against the Soviets, and provided Israeli intelligence with a very secure footing inside Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI.
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