No safe way to break up

This morning the IPKat carried a note on Scansafe Ltd v Messagelabs Ltd, a Chancery Division decision from Mr Justice Patten which was noted on Lawtel.

The IPKat has since received an email from solicitors acting on behalf of Scansafe, informing him that the Lawtel note erroneously stated that Scansafe's application for injunctive relief was dismissed. Lawtel has since withdrawn its note and the IPKat, not wishing to mislead his readers, has removed his note on the case too.

Latest ECDR

Issue 4 of the Sweet & Maxwell bimonthly European Copyright and Design Reports has now been published. Cases available in English in this issue include
* L'Oréal SA v Bellure NV (Cour d'appel de Paris), on the protection of scents in France as authors' works;

* PlayStation (Tribunal of Bolzano, Italy), on the seizure of mod chips that could adapt computer game consoles for both lawful and unlawful purposes;

* Télévision Français 1 v L'Equipe TV (Cour de Cassation, France), on the extent to which a TV news service could make use of the highlights of broadcasts of football matches without authorisation.
There's also the Zellweger decision from the Invalidity Division of OHIM's Design Department - horror of horrors, a Community registered design rendered invalid by prior art consisting of a registered trade mark.

As usual, if there are any cases you'd like to see reported in the ECDR, email the IPKat here and tell him all about them.

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