hello, tehran!

So I just figured out how to use my site counter to figure out who's reading this blog. Since this whole thing started basically to be a travelogue for my time in Congo, it's fascinating that people read what strangers have to say. Not that I'm upset or anything, but it's a little disconcerting, really. At CBF, I met someone who was like, "Oh! I've heard of you." And someone else who said, "I'm reading your blog." These are people I either don't know or have no idea how they found out about it.

Anyway, the site counter tells you where someone's ISP is and how many times they've visited the site. No surprise that there are readers in Austin, Lubbock, Waco, Nashville, Washington, Lincoln, and Boise. Big surprise? TEHRAN. More specifically, "Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of." Via Intelsat. Now unless that's some kind of computer-operated censor or something, I have no idea who's reading in Tehran. But you are most welcome.

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