Federal Steroids Probe Sweeps in Grimsley, Coffee Pots

Gosh, who knew pitchers used steroids too! According to an affidavit filed by lead G-Man Jeff Novitzky in federal court, Grimsley has admitted to using Human Growth Hormone, amphetamines, and other performance-enhancing substances. In the affidavit, Grimsley also "names names" of other users (although those names have yet to be released--they were blacked out in court records).

Grimsley also stated that amphetamines were available "like aspirin" in MLB clubhouses, and were often mixed in with coffee. Pots marked "leaded" apparently included the drugs, while "unleaded" pots constituted normal coffee. I guess de-caf wasn't an option.

The Arizona Republic broke this story yesterday. Grimsley apparently received a kit of HGH at home on April 19, prompting his confrontation with the Feds. This tends to reinforce the idea that MLB's "get tough" policy on substances contains a rather large loophole by not including testing for HGH.

: Thanks to Satchmo for pointing me to Novitsky's affidavit, which you can find here.

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