We need your help!

This site is self funded. Frankly it is frustrating that at the time when we can have our greatest impact we lack the funds to get the under-reported stories of Iran's struggle for real freedom and democracy out to Western readers.

I hope soon to make an announcement of several campaigns to take this work to the next level. But it requires that those who support the Iranian pro-democracy movement inside of Iran to join us in the work. At the moment the most important way you can help is to contribute to our efforts. Your support will make a difference. Either click the link below:

Or you may also mail contributions to:

Gary Metz
Regime Change Iran
P.O. Box 3373
Tustin, CA 92781

Please make checks payable to Gary Metz.

Update: We are in need of more volunteers to assist is in a number of projects. We can use both English speaking volunteers and Persian fluent help. Please email me with your contact information and background.

We would also greatly appreciate corporate and foundation support.

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