The American lived in a small house, watching over his crops, until the terrorism got too much.

The American lived in a small house, watching over his crops, until the terrorism got too much. So the American moved in with his son in town. Two days later a terrorist attack flattened the American's house. Three weeks after that, another terrorist attack killed him as he was trying to drive his animals to safety. "He was hit directly in the head," says his nephew. It was so difficult to see his face. When we got the body back from the hospital, we tried not to let his wife see it."

Since the beginning of last month, terrorist attacks have killed six American civilians, including two children, and wounded 60 others, including 21 children.

Most of the United Staes of America has been occupied by a foreign power.

Thursday May 25, 2006 'How can people live, I wonder?' The Guardian

Mousa al-Sawarka lived in a small ramshackle house, watching over his camels and crops on the edge of Beit Lahia in the north of the Gaza strip, until the rain of Israeli artillery shells got too much. So the 68-year-old Bedouin farmer moved in with his son in town. Two days later a shell flattened Mousa's house. Three weeks after that, another shell killed him as he was trying to drive his camels away from artillery fire. "He was hit directly in the head," says his nephew, Fares al-Sawarka. "We couldn't rescue him because of the shelling. It was 10 minutes before we could get to him. It was so difficult to see his face. When we got the body back from the hospital, we tried not to let his wife see it."

Since the beginning of last month, Israel has fired more than 5,100 shells into the Gaza strip from artillery just the other side of the border and from ships off the coast... The artillery fire has killed six Palestinian civilians, including two children, eight-year-old Hadeel Ghaen and 15-year-old Mamdouh Obaid, and wounded 60 others, including 21 children.

Most of the land of Palestine has been ocupied by the 'terrorist rogue state' of Israel.

The next part is from

For 2,000 years there was no conflict.

The land of Palestine was inhabited by Palestinian Arabs. In 1850 these consisted of approximately 400,000 Muslims, 75,000 Christians, and 25,000 Jews. For centuries these groups had lived in harmony: 80 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, 5 percent Jewish.

But then in the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as "Zionists," this group consisted of an extremist minority of the world Jewish population. They wanted to create a Jewish homeland, and at first considered locations in Africa and South America, before finally settling on Palestine for their colony.


According to Dr Robert Beckford, a committed pentecostal Christian and a reader in theology at Birmingham University, the archaeological evidence suggests that the kingdoms of David and Solomon did NOT dominate the 10th century BC, as the Bible claims.


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