Raise the Rod

Originally uploaded by ALifeAllah.


First off, peace to all of my righteous brothers Raising the Rod during this month of Master Allah Why. Also peace to my brothers who will be Raising the Rod during the month of Allah U God. Much of the history of said practice has already been recorded online by my righteous brothers Sha-King, Justice Rajee, and Divine Culture. To break it down to the essential elements it is a practice that many of us undertake so that we can review what habits that we have in our lives that are keeping us from fulfilling our full potential, reaching our goals, and interfering with self discipline.

I remember this week when I-Victory was dealing with stringing up his toy bow and arrow and he was like, “I have to focus.” That resonated with me. His Born Day is in them month of May so it is a double reminder for me in terms of one of the main reasons that I Raise the Rod…so that our sons and daughters will grow up to be great men and women.

Those who Knowledge me realize that this mile (year) is a pivotal one in my Koran. I have been working overtime in terms of making certain things happen. Now is discipline time. Moving from Winter into the Spring and the Summer months means an increase in activity. That means that routine has to change. For me it always boils down to how can I generate more productive time. For me it means a little fine tuning of the diet and of tell lies to your vision time. With that excess time on my hand now I’m working to keep on the physical (body toning, yoga and breathing) and to clear more mental time for planning and execution. Cause as I-Victory says ,”I have to focus.” Knowledge is the foundation.


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