War on warez

Internetnews reports that a number of Warez (Wikipedia definition here) dealers have been imprisoned in the US after cases of criminal copyright infringement were successfully brought against them. One defendant was sentenced to 15 months in prison while two others were sentenced to six months house arrest apiece. The individuals are the first to be sentenced under the US Department of Justice’s Operation FastLink.

Merpel says hm, making computer nerds [and he means that affectionately] stay indoors – that’s bound to work…

New tld opens

The Register reports that the new .mobi top-level-domain name sunrise period opened today. Until 12 June, only trade mark holders active within the mobile phone industry will be able to apply. Then, under stage two, all trade mark holders will be able to apply. From 28 August onwards it’s a free-for-all.

The IPKat suspects that an industry-specific tld may be easier to supervise, but he’s prepared to be proved wrong.

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