Well, as of March it is Japanese, according to Technorati's May 1st State of the Blogosphere report.
Of course, this may be skewed by those who actually know HOW to ping Technorati. It also may be skewed by how much those who are speaking Japanese value the use of the blogosphere. The fact is, English has traditionally been the predominant language of the blogosphere and now there is astounding growth in other languages.
With much of the Internet birthed in the United States, I have to wonder if we will not yet again export our most valuable and useful technologies because of an inability to see its potential. We can put too much into these stats as I'm sure they are not statistically valid in terms of the whole blogosphere, however, since it is virtually impossible for any one company to get "arms around" the blogosphere, these are telling stats, nonetheless.
Second language opportunities abound
Finally, I am struck by what great immersion-like second language experiences reside within the blogosphere now! What great opportunities to learn about culture and interact with those who speak other languages. What a great way to get students to realize the humanity of people in other countries and to allow them to see that they have much in common though they may reside a world apart.
The responsibility of education
I have to believe that while some of the growth of the blogosphere has to do with social issues -- myspace growth, etc. I have to wonder if a large proportion of its growth is directly attributable to the educators within the colleges and high schools of a country. I'd like to know what portion of the growth is coming from the education field.
Observing the resistance of some educators, I have to wonder if like those with the railroad, forgetting they were in the transportation business -- some people confuse the medium with the business.
Likewise, one cannot directly connect textbooks, pen and paper with education. Those things are a communications medium. The educational process is a transferrence of knowledge and is independent of the medium used, as long as the transferrence occurs.
Good education remains intact as long as accurate knowledge flows along the medium, whether that medium is printed page or electronic networks.
I see many people spending far too much time arguing against a medium that can engage and enlarge the educational process! Wikis, blogs, chats, and many electronic mediums are excellent opportunities to improve education!
I am 100% for the process of education. I believe that there are many good educators out there who can be enlightened to understand the benefits of these new technologies if there were less fearmongers trying to prey on the minds of those who do not understand.
It is the responsibility of those who do understand to "tell the story" as David Warlick says.
Are you telling your story?