Do you remember the Goliath Expedition I blogged about some time back? You know, the story about Karl Busby, the Brit who intended to walk around the World? When I last mentioned him, he was preparing to cross the Bering Strait while it was still frozen. Well, Karl made it, but only to be greeted by the not-so-amused Russians, who promptly arrested him for entering the country illegally, and are now threatening to deport him. The good news is, he can apply for re-entry into Russia, in FIVE YEARS! No one ever accused the Russians of having a sense of humor.
Karl is in the seventh year of a planned expedition that would end back in his home of Great Britain after more than 12 years of traveling. I only hope that he can get the legal matter straightened out (he has an appeal in a few days time), and get on with his expedition. Talk about an epic trip. I'll keep you posted as I learn more.
Thanks Gadling!
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