Firth among equals

The second edition of Alison Firth's Trade Marks: Law and Practice has now been published by Jordans. While the first edition was a solo effort, this time around the Newcastle-based barrister and law professor has been assisted by Gary Lea (Senior Lecturer in Business Law at the University of New South Wales and a former Queen Mary star) and Peter Cornford (a partner in the Bristol office of Stevens Hewlitt & Perkins).

Below: the publisher is not the only Jordans known to trade mark fans ...

This edition, like the first, is a concise account of the law of UK trade marks law within the European and international context. The text incorporates and analyses recent amendments to the Trade Marks Act 2004 and its Rules, as well as the expanded system of international registration of trade marks under the Madrid Protocol and the International Trademark Treaty.

What the IPKat likes about it is its unusual clarity of expression. Short paragraphs, crisp sentences and the ability to express difficult concepts in simple form all make this book an excellent entry to the subject, as well as a handy means by which even veteran practitioners can navigate the uncharted zones of trade mark law that have changed since last they needed to know about them. There are also plenty of references to further reading (both professional and academic) for those who want to pursue a topic beyond the point at which this book's authors take it.

Bibligraphical details: Price £50.00, paperback, ISBN: 0 85308 794 6. li + 387pp. Rupture factor: heavier than it looks, but manageable. Publication date 2005 (according to the book), 2006 (according to the website).

Two heads for Hogarth

It's not on the Hogarth Chambers website, but Christopher Morcom QC has stepped down as head of London-based intellectual property specialists Hogarth Chambers. Christopher has headed chambers for 15 years before the formation of Hogarth in 2001. He was a moving force behind The Modern Law on Trade Marks, now in its second edition (noted here by the IPKat), and also championed the notion that barristers might find it worthwhile to participate in INTA (the International Trademark Association).

As of Monday 2 April, the set has two heads: Roger Wyand QC (left) and Alastair Wilson QC (right).

The IPKat wishes Christopher all the best on what he presumes is his forthcoming retirement and hopes that Roger and Alastair enjoy their joint headship.

Two Heads are Better than One here
The Thing With Two Heads here
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