Jeg skrev i en kommentar lenger nede at jeg neppe kommer til å sitere mye direkte fra avisene, men det var før jeg leste dagens fantastiske artikkel:
Bakgrunnen er statsminister Berishas kamp mot korrupsjon og organisert kriminalitet: "The press conference of premier Sali Berisha was very disturbing in almost every dimension. It gave an apolyptical situation of the Albanian opposition. The Prime Minister himself uncovered and denounced the organized crime, drugs and corruption, and moreover the sexual perversity of the main leder of the opposition" (som er Edi Rama - Den tidligere omtalte borgermesteren av Tirana).
Opposisjonen er rasende og vil ha beviser for påstandende, hvorpå Berisha vifter med dokumenter stemplet "Top secret" foran journalistene .. "And the journalist had to believe Prime Minister's words on the reliability of those so called documents because he was facing the organized crime's coalition and perversity alliance".
Lenger nede står det "The only way of eradiciating the organized crime is through eliminating the opposition. According to Berisha, Rama is the head of the thieves together with Blushi, Majko, Ruci and Koci, while Klosi is a perverse."
I en annen artikkel i den samme avisen, sier den nevnte Blushi (en av toppene i sosialistpartiet) "Unfortunately, time has come that all of us contribute to erect a monument for Berisha whose epitaph could be 'Slanderer Berisha rests here'".