Eat to Live

Originally uploaded by ALifeAllah.
People wear ignorance as a badge as though it is ‘cool’ to be ignorant. Do the Knowledge to this latest ‘beauty pageant’ by the comedian Mon’ique. She acts as if there isn’t ANY research that connects obesity with poor health. WTF?!! Read ANY health journal or just look around your neighborhood and immediate family. Heads aren’t just ‘plesantly plump’, ‘a little over weight’ , or as we say around my way ‘healthy’. Heads are just OBESE. In fact here are some links to get in all in perspective:

The rate of cancer amongst so called African Americans.

The rate of obesity amongst children in the United States.

Obesity being related to heart disease

Obesity amongst ethnic groups

The obesity of those in the United States vs the World.

In so called ‘advanced’ countries there are a hella lot of obese people because they eat a lot of ‘empty calories’ (junk and fast ‘food) and get a lot less physical activity. Shoot look at that new BK ‘enormous omelet’. They continually feed us the wrong food and many of us try to ‘justify’ it.

Eat to Live Don’t Live to Eat.

And while you’re at it get some water in your system also.


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