The IPKat has just received from his old and distinguished friend István Gödölle a copy of the 31st issue of the Proceedings of the Hungarian Group of AIPPI. The Hungarian group has a record of long and enthusiastic commitment to the analysis of live issues in intellectual property, even during the dark days of the Iron Curtain. It is therefore with pleasure that the IPKat reviews this latest offering. Recommended features include
* "Changes in the Trademark, Design and Patent System after the EU Accession" (reprinted from Danubia's Spring 2004 IP Newsletter);

* Dr Alexander Vida's article, "Imitation of Distinctive Signs: Trademark Law and/or Competition Law?"

* Dr Peter Lukácsi on "Comparative Advertising in Hungarian Law".
The English text has been revised by Timothy R. Holbrook (Chicago-Kent College of Law), who has managed to ensure that the translations are intelligible without ever losing their Hungarian flavour.

The Hungarian AIPPI doesn't seem to have a website, though it does have a telex (has any reader of this blog ever used a telex?). Probably the best way to contact the group is by phoning +36 1 353 1661 or by faxing +36 1 353 1780.

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