... the European Court of Justice surprised the IPKat by posting a handful of goodies on its website. These recent gems include

* Case T-131/03 Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH v OHIM (this case is unrelated to the famous ECJ decision, Case C-100/02 Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH v Putsch GmbH, even though they both concern the GERI/KERRY SPRING trade marks: it deals with the substitution of the name of a new opponent, Sinziger Mineralbrunnen, for that of Gerolsteiner).

* The keenly-awaited English translation of Case T-311/02, Lissoteschenko and Henze v OHIM (whether LIMO is non-distinctive for "laser intensity modulation systems", being a slightly doctored acronym for them).

* The interim order of the President of the Court of First Instance in Case T-201/04 R, Microsoft Corp v The Commission (a complex proceeding which illustrates perfectly the nightmare nature of any action to bring copyright- and patent-rich Microsoft to heel for alleged abuse of a dominant position).

The IPKat hopes that he will be able to blog at least one of these cases shortly. He regrets, however, that he can bring no further news of Case T-115/03, Samar SpA v OHIM (application to register GAS STATION as a Community trade mark for clothes; opposition by owner of earlier BLUE JEANS GAS) because it still hasn't been translated into English. It has however been translated into Lithuanian, which is a great comfort to all English-speaking trade mark practitioners.

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