Contact Federal Government Officials
Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month. We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.
1. The federal budget only goes through February 8. We must let our MoCs know that we do not want them to approve any budget that does not include the extension of funding for the community health centers that cover about 27 million low-income people in 9,800 rural and urban communities across the U.S.: AND a clean Dream act (meaning no wall) which is still sitting in committee in both houses of Congress: Let’s take care of these people who count on us.
2. The director of the CDC resigned yesterday after mounting questions about her financial conflicts of interest ( She's been held accountable, and now we need Congress to make sure other Trump officials are, too. Mick Mulvaney received more than $50,000 in campaign contributions from the payday lending industry over the course of his career, As head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) he’s in a position to regulate his benefactors, and since he's taken over the CFPB has quietly closed an nearly four-year-old investigation into a payday lender thathad financially backed Mulvaney. We need to know whether the CFPB is protecting consumers or donors. Let’s contact our members of Congress and ask them to demand a hearing on why this investigation was closed and whether or not Mulvaney’s conflict of interest interfered with justice. (Especially important for those of us represented by members of the Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Services Committee.)
3. On Tuesday night, Representative Joe Kennedy III threaded a difficult needle in offering the often-fraught response to the State of the Union and he did so exquisitely: Let’s take a moment to thank Rep. Kennedy for being a bright spot on a dark night:
4. Right now there is a bipartisan bill in the Senate, which would work towards deregulating banks and dismantling the Dodd-Frank Act Advocacy groups are asking that we contact the Democratic senators who have cosponsored the bill (S.2155 - Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act), asking that they withdraw their support. Let's read more about the bill, then find out who the members of the #BailoutCaucus are in Common Dreams' press release
5. Confused by the calls to "release the memo?" Wondering what exactly is going on here? This report, authored by the good (and knowledgeable) folks at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and others, goes into detail on how Rep. Devin Nunes' (R-CA) release of his so-called "memo" seeks to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation into the current administration. The executive summary is only two pages long and debunks 7 myths that are being purposely spread by Nunes, others in the GOP, and right-wing media outlets. Yesterday, the FBI weighed in saying that it has “grave concerns” about the accuracy of the Nunes memo: Then, last night, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed that Nunes shared with Trump a secretly altered version of the memo that the House Judiciary Committee had not approved: Let's arm ourselves with this knowledge and continue pressuring our MoCs to protect Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein from Trump and his cronies.
6. Saudi Arabia’s campaign in Yemen has killed thousands of civilians, and Human Rights Watch has found that they’ve committed war crimes that have worsened the massive humanitarian crisis ( Trump has not only continued to back Saudi Arabia, he’s expanded American support for their war, despite the fact that Congress has never authorized our involvement in the conflict in the first place. A bipartisan group of senators is planning to use a procedure under the War Powers Resolution to force a vote on the Senate floor to stop Trump’s war in Yemen. Let’s contact our senators and let them know we want them to support this effort.
7. On January 19, paramedics were called to the home of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to treat her for symptoms of low blood sugar ( She is fine and was back to work quickly, but severe low blood sugar events can be very frightening and physically exhausting. In this frightening time, Justice Sotomayor has been a powerful voice for the marginalized. Let’s tell her we’re glad she’s doing better again and that we deeply appreciate her work on the court. We can write her at Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court, 1 First St. NE, Washington DC 20543. (Via Postcards for America)
8. Whatever we think about Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s Tuesday request that Congress increase the federal debt limit, the only thing that really matters is how our dollars are spent: For all their past talk about “fiscal responsibility,” Republicans now want to raise the statutory borrowing limit by the largest amount since 2010 to pay for huge military increases, Trump’s “wall,” and the seed money that will jumpstart his plan to privatize our infrastructure; Democrats want an equally large amount for domestic spending; theoretically, everyone wants more disaster aid: But we must have our say about budget priorities; before they vote on the debt limit, let’s tell our MoCs and Mnuchin that we don’t want our money spent on war, privatization, or the “wall” but rather on healthcare, education, and economic equity: Treasury Department, 202-622-2000 or 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington DC 20220
9. “President Donald Trump again has sued the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser over the valuation of his Trump National Golf Club. The suit marks the fifth year in a row that Trump has disputed the property tax bill for the 131-acre course along Donald Ross Road. Even as he fights the county’s $19.7 million estimate, Trump’s financial disclosures in 2016 and 2017 list the value of Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter as “over $50 million.” Based on the property appraiser’s valuation, the Palm Beach County Tax Collector sent Trump a bill for $398,315. Trump responded with a lawsuit — and a wire transfer for $296,595.01, which his Tampa-based attorney described as “a good faith estimate” of the sum Trump really owes.
Let’s tell Trump to stop wasting time in our courts with frivolous lawsuits. The $100,000 difference he refuses to pay is less than half the price of a ticket to one of his political party fundraisers at Mar-a-Largo.
10. The Republican regime has included riders to the 2018 budget that would gut the Endangered Species Act (ESA). One of the riders would strip critical protections from thousands of gray wolves in Wyoming and the Great Lakes region. We can find out more at the Center for Biological Diversity and use the tool at the link for contacting our MoC's or we can contact our MoC's using our usual methods to tell them we do not want riders that undermine the ESA in the budget. With everything else happening, they are probably hoping we won't notice this devastating inclusion.
11. Rep. Paul Gosar (R, AZ) “asked Capitol Police to check identification of those invited to attend the State of the Union and arrest any undocumented immigrants that may be in attendance.” Let’s share our disgust with this request with Rep. Gosar. Phone: (202) 225-2315; Rep. Paul Gosar, 2057 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515.
Election 2018 - General
1. According to Ballotpedia, there are 15 districts that as yet have no Democratic candidates for the 2018 U.S. House elections:,_2018 The question is: why not? If we live in these districts, let's consider running or encourage someone to run! Then contact a grassroots campaign support group like Run for Something or Emily's List to get started!
2. Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin has announced that Gaia Project is creating an open source document of all Resistance candidates who are running in 2018, which will be shared with the public, so we will know who to support, who to donate to, who to postcard for, who to phone bank for, and who to paper your neighborhood with to get us all to victory. We can send our favored candidates to them with their website address, their district and the candidate they're up against, right here: All candidates will be vetted to make sure they align with the Resistance on most issues
Election 2018 – By State
1. NY: “It’s time for New York to join the 37 states and DC that offer Early Voting.” Let’s sign this petition by Let NY Vote to Governor Cuomo:
2. TX: The Texas primaries coming up. The last date to register to vote in these elections is February 5. Let’s check other important dates to make sure our vote counts:
Other Actions
1. Link correction: The Ann Arbor Jammers have released a resistance song, "Hear Our Voice," on iTunes and a companion video on YouTube. The song captures the anger of many Americans as they watch women's rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, and many basic human rights eroded under the Trump administration. The YouTube video was timed for a release on January 15, 2018, Martin Luther King Day. The video can be seen at: The song was released as a single in early January, and proceeds will benefit progressive non-profit groups the National Women’s Law Center, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and the American Civil Liberties Union. For more information, contact For more information on the music collective, go to Let’s support this creative resistance effort.
2. Many undocumented children are being separated from their families. A YouCaring fundraising account has been set up to reunite Refugee Families Separated by ICE and Customs and Border Protection. “All money raised will go toward paying bond for parents who have been separated from their children, plus any reunification-related expenses. Any money leftover will be used to help other immigrants be released from detention.” Let’s help however we can:
3. The Guardian's environmental project "This Land is Your Land" investigates the threats facing America's public lands. Let's take a look at some of the current issues here. Let's bookmark this page for future reference. We can also sign up to receive their monthly newsletter. Let's stay aware of issues and threats involving our precious public lands. Let's be sure to tell our environmental activist friends about this important resource.
4. From one of our own: Here’s the latest round of issues/addresses that I’ve prepared for my postcarding group. Please use and share these however you wish. Things just keep happening. (Please note that on some entries the addresses are for CA Senators and Representative. Depending on where you are, you may want to sub information on your own Senators/Representative):
5. “Are you frustrated that your Members of Congress are refusing to hold town halls, not answering their phones, and letting voice mailboxes fill up? Do you want to make sure your Member of Congress considers your views? Herd on the Hillvolunteers visit the DC offices of your elected officials, taking you with us through your messages and calls.” Let’s check into this and see how we can use this valuable service:
6. Montpelier High School in Vermont is flying a Black Lives Matter flag for Black History Month and is already receiving criticism. Let’s send our support: Racial Justice Alliance, Montpelier Public Schools, 5 High School Dr., Montpelier, VT 05602; Principal Mike McRaith, Montpelier Public Schools, 5 High School Dr., Montpelier, VT 05602.
7. In response to someone asking for some creative ideas for Postcards to Voters, this fun Twitter thread resulted: Let’s check it for some ideas!
Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize
1. In the wake of Tuesday night's State of The Union address, during which Trump was caught on a hot microphone saying that he supported the release of the Nunes memo "100%," it is crucial to our democracy to throw our support behind Robert Mueller's Russia Investigation. There is preparation for massive public action if Trump tries to fire Mueller or Rosenstein. We can register here to participate in an event near us, should the unthinkable happen:
1. DC: Mayor Browser has extended the deadline for enrolling in quality and affordable health insurance to Monday, February 5, at 11:59 PM. If we need to enroll, we can do so in enrollment centers through the city. We can call (855-5465) to find out more and also click this link to get started:
1. “FactChecking Trump’s State of the Union: The president exaggerates his accomplishments in his address to Congress” -
2. This was a cogent piece of analysis of the State of the Union:
3. A new peer-reviewed research adds to the growing evidence that the shift from coal to gas isn't necessarily good news for the climate. A team led by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory confirmed that the oil and gas industry is responsible for the largest share of the world's rising methane emissions, a major factor in climate change. Let's read more at EcoWatch or we can read the scientific paper itself at Nature. Let's stay informed about climate change and the ways human exacerbate it.