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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       The House is planning on voting today on H.R. 38, the so-called “concealed carry reciprocity act” which would dramatically weaken gun control laws across the country ( As we approach the fifth anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting, we need to be demanding real solutions to gun violence instead of reckless attempts to undermine existing laws. Let’s join Everytown for Gun Safety in contacting our reps ASAP and letting them know we want them to oppose this legislation at this link: And let’s also reach out to our senators to let them know if this bill passes the House, they should make sure it goes no further.

2.      Lest we think public education is unaffected by the Republican tax bill, we need to think again.  Under both the House and Senate bills, those who can afford to save money monthly for private or parochial school tuition will see their savings earn interest and capital gains without taxation; even home schoolers can withdraw $10,000 each year from tax-favored savings accounts.  However unjust, this provision would appear to leave public schools—attended by 90% of school-age children—untouched, but not so!  Just as the predicted deficit produced by the Republican giveaway to the wealthy will spur automatic cuts in programs like Medicare and Medicaid, so this giveaway to private school families is paired with a drastic curtailing of state and local tax (SALT) deductions.  In the past, state, county and city governments have struggled to raise taxes or pass bond measures for public schools, but at least they were able to argue that increases in sales or income tax rates could be deducted from federal income taxes. No more. In both the House and Senate bills, the current SALT deductions would be reduced to a single deduction of up to $10,000 of property taxes each year and nothing else, leaving local governments no way to offset their expenditures on public education:  If we need yet another argument to urge Republicans to vote against this disastrous tax bill, we might point out that most voters with children use public schools!  We can use this tool, created by Network for Public Education Action and Opportunity Action to tell our MoCs that this is not right:

3.      Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted yesterday, “Both GOP AND Democratic Senators are trying to roll back rules for banks that took nearly $50B in taxpayer-funded bailouts.”   Consumers need protection more than banks.  These are the Dems:  Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Gary Peters (D-MI), Jon Tester (D-MT), Mark Warner (D-VA), & Angus King, (I-MA) Let’s contact these senators and ask them why they are siding with big banks instead of consumers. 

4.      Conservative policymakers love to tout the stimulating effect that increasing profit has on innovation, which is the key driver of our increasingly technology-based economy. They tried to sell their latest tax cut scam this way, but now there's ground-breaking research that shows their premise to be false, finding instead that "if women, minorities, and children from low- and middle-income families invented at the same rate as white men from high-income (top 20%) families, there would 4 times as many inventors in America as there are today." ( When we call our MoCs to condemn the tax cut scam, we should mention this as yet another reason it's a bad idea. Research also discovered that educational experiences and opportunities were critical, especially during childhood, so let's also give Betsy DeVos an earful (perhaps at her education/community foundation, 616-643-4700) about leveling the educational playing field for ALL of our children, for the good of our economy and our country.

5.      It can be hard to keep track of all the moving parts amidst the swirl but issues for DACA recipients are bound up in the Congressional budget battle: Let’s let our MoC know that we expect a clean DREAM Act to protect these 800,000 young Americans.

6.      If Congress wants to avoid a government shutdown, they need to pass a spending bill by this Friday. This is a prime opportunity for Democrats to get must-pass legislation through, including a clean DREAM Act to protect DACA recipients Let's call our MoC and tell them that we only want them to support the spending bill if it includes a clean DREAM Act. United We Dream and the Defend Our Dreams coalition has offered a call script: “I am calling on the Congressperson to vote for a clean Dream Act in the must-pass spending bills that are coming up – one that ensures immigrant youth can continue to go to school, work, pay taxes without fear of deportation and does not build border walls, detain and deport other immigrants.”

7.      In light of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s findings that tens of thousands of comments filed in response to the FCC's net neutrality proposed repeal had likely been fake, Democratic senators have sent a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai The letter requests that the FCC delay its vote on net neutrality regulations, until a thorough, transparent investigation has been completed regarding the faked comments Let's check to see if our senators signed the letter, and if so, thank them. Then, let's also contact Chairman Pai, supporting a postponed vote, until an investigation has been completed  Office phone: 202-518-7399 e-mail:  or Twitter: @AjitPaiFCC

8.     The ACLU is looking into the case of an American citizen who has been held in Iraq without access to a lawyer for more than two months on the suspicion that he has fought with the Islamic State. and Let’s register our concern with our MoC and the White House ( about denying US citizens their basic legal rights.

9.      Trump campaigned on keeping jobs in America, but since his election, the top 100 federal contractors have shipped “a record 10,269 American jobs abroad,” according to a report from Good Jobs Nation, “an organization that advocates for contract workers.” Let’s ask our MoC what they’re doing to create (and keep) jobs here in America.

10.  Now that both Houses have passed Tax Scam Bills, the House and Senate will meet in Committees to reconcile their versions . There are widening fissures as The Freedom Caucus wants to take away concessions promised to Collins and Flake. The more divisions and delays, the weaker support becomes. We can find out more about our next steps in fighting this tax scam from Celeste Pewter, who explains the process and what we can do Including getting our Governors involved in the fight, writing op eds, and, of course calling our Representatives!  Let’s check it out here:

Election 2017/2018

1.       AL - SPECIAL ELECTION NEXT WEEK! Democrat Doug Jones is running against accused pedophile and Republican Roy Moore for US Senate. Moore was twice removed as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for defying federal court orders: first over a Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama Judicial Building and then over the U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage.  Businesses are already concerned that electing Moore will be bad for Alabama's businesses, talent recruiting and attracting to students to universities. Let's read more at NPR. If we are Alabamians, let's make a plan to vote on Tuesday, Dec. 12 and urge our family and friends to, too! 

2.      Tomorrow, Thursday is the last day to get an absentee ballot in Alabama.  Check here for instructions:

3.      Looking towards the 2018 elections, Crooked Media and Swing Left are joining together to launch the Crooked 7 Fund: a fund which will be used to help unseat seven of the most vulnerable seats in California. In these districts, constituents voted for Hillary Clinton, yet their representatives have voted almost strictly in line with Trump. For those of us with the means, we can donate to the fund here: We can also learn more about Swing Left's District Funds and select specific districts to donate towards here:

State Actions

1.       MI: From Women's March - Michigan: "Michiganders will unite one year later at the steps of the state Capitol on January 21, 2018, to celebrate the strides we've made so far and to make plans to build our future." To find more information, we can check out the event page: or visit the organization website:

2.      NH - Election 2018.  An amendment to [NH] House Bill 372 backed by the State Election Law Committee has prompted backlash.  In 2015, the state Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a 2012 state law that required New Hampshire voters to be New Hampshire residents, not simply people who are domiciled in the state. Now, Republican state senators are proposing essentially re-implementing the residency requirement with legislation to ensure that “the terms residence, domicile and inhabitant shall have the same meaning for all purposes in statute.” And that includes voting.  Let’s read the full article at WMUR.  If we are New Hampshire voters, let's contact our NH state representative to oppose this amendment. 

3.      MS: When Trump shows up this weekend at the grand openings of the Museum of Mississippi History and the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, his presence will be peacefully protested at a “Turn Your Back on Hate” event organized by Pantsuit Nation Mississippi Chapter. The protest will likely take place December 9, 2017, 11AM-2PM CST. If we’re in Mississippi, let’s plan to attend and let the organizers know by signing up here: They’ll keep us apprised of time and location.

Other Actions

1.       The Republican National Committee spent only three weeks distancing themselves from Roy Moore and now are right back at his side: Let’s let them know that we have not forgotten his accusers and that they can no longer refer to their family values: on Twitter @GOP or via phone 202-863-8500

2.      The eve before the Alabama special election, there is going to be a “"Drain the Swamp" Rally with Judge Roy Moore”.  It is a free event, but tickets are required:  Wouldn’t it be a shame if we got tickets and we not able to go? 

3.      The House Budget Committee explains on its webpage “The Need for Macroeconomic Analysis”: “We can’t build a healthy economy if we don’t even know how our decisions affect the economy.  That’s why we have two nonpartisan organizations that do cost estimates for every bill we consider: The Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation.”  But apparently “we” only have to attend to their analysis if “we” like what it says. Now that the CBO and the JCT have both challenged the Republican line that the tax bill is “revenue neutral,” as Mitch McConnell insists, suddenly the economic analysis is “suspect,” and the Republican leadership is circulating two pages of “response points,” giving senators an arsenal of excuses to talk around the unfavorable projections, according to the NYT which acquired the documents.  If we believe that there is, in fact, a “need for macroeconomic analysis” when the entire tax system is up for grabs, we must call out the lies and excuses of Republican lawmakers as loudly and publicly as possible--in letters to the editors of our local papers, in op-ed pieces, on radio call-in programs.

4.      Patagonia, an American outdoor clothing and gear retailer, slammed Trump after he announced plans to shrink the size of two national monuments. The California-based company on Monday modified its homepage to initially display a black screen with the message "The President Stole Your Land" to rally the public into joining its cause which, according to some local media reports, includes a possible legal action against Trump. We can read more at CNBC.  If we are giving or getting outdoor clothing and gear this season, let's consider purchasing from Patagonia to show our support for their environmental positions.

5.      “President Donald Trump and his allies in Congress are trying to pass a budget with extreme cuts to our environmental agencies, putting our air, water and health in danger.  Join us in sharing your story about why a healthy environment is critical for the well-being of you and your family. “Let’s share our stories:

6.      Each morning at a public elementary school in Powell County, students finish their breakfast and trod out of the cafeteria and into the gym, where they listen to Christian music. And they pray.  But Devin Estes, a 10-year-old fifth-grader, stays behind in the cafeteria. He doesn't believe in God. And that's why other kids, and teachers, at Stanton Elementary School are picking on him, he says. The school's program appears to violate the Constitution, according to Heather Weaver, a lawyer who specializes in religious freedom issues and works for the American Civil Liberties Union. One teacher once quizzed him on his religious beliefs and joked that nonbelievers would be eaten by bears, like children who mocked the prophet Elisha in one Old Testament story, Devin said.  Let's remember: This is a public school. Let's read more about this at the Courier-Journal. Let's write to Donna Hale, Board Attorney, 
7.      Email: Superintendent Michael Tate is set to retire at the end of 2017 but we can contact Tate at Powell, County Schools, 691 Breckenridge Street, Stanton, KY  40380,  Phone:606-663-3300. We can also contact James Crase, Principal, Stanton Elementary School, PO Box 367, Stanton, KY 40380,  Phone: 606-663-3311. For a little irony, the Stanton Elementary site has a "report bullying" button on its home page.  

8.     NO MOORE!  A 3-minute action you can take to vote with your pocketbook:  fill out the Chamber of Commerce contact form and tell them you will avoid visiting AL if Moore is elected. #boycottalabama

9.      Philadelphia resident Phillip Garcia, editor-at-large of The Rumpus and a Temple University Ph.D. candidate, tweeted Friday that the city had informed them of being elected as an election judge to serve on a board for Ward 21, Division 10 of the city. "They say that one vote doesn't matter, but I literally wrote in my own name and won an election because I guess no-one else ran/voted for this position," Garcia tweeted Friday. Let's read more at The Hill. Let's be inspired by this "every vote counts" story. If we are considering running against a previously uncontested GOP candidate in a local election, perhaps 2018 is our year. Let’s at least make sure that every open seat has a Democratic candidate running.

10.  If we are curious about all this Postcards to Voters stuff we’ve been hearing about, we can watch this short clip:  Then, we can go check out their website and get involved: 


1.       It's been over two months since Republicans let funding expire for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and community health centers, even though there is bipartisan support to renew the program.  Nine million children covered by CHIP and 25 million adults who use community health centers will be left without coverage.  There is a 5-year- extension bipartisan CHIP bill still sitting in the Senate Finance Committee.  Sen. Debbie Stabenow has introduced similar legislation to cover community health centers.  Let’s join Sen. Stabenow in asking  Congress to please pass this important, life-saving legislation now:

2.      “Killing net neutrality would mean that your internet provider could dictate the speed of websites, charge higher fees to access certain parts of the internet, and prioritize their services over their competitors’…Until we take back Congress and put net neutrality into law, the free and open internet as we know it is in jeopardy. Tell Trump’s FCC to keep their hands off our internet!”  Let’s sign this petition to protect net neutrality:

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Today, Dec. 6, the Dreamers have planned a convergence on Washington to call for a “clean” Dream Act.  They are asking allies who cannot be in DC to call Congress, one call for each of the 11,000-young people brought here as children and now threatened with deportation.  If we can commit to one call, here’s the link where we can make a pledge:

2.      Today, December 6th,RISE District will host a Facebook Live Conversation at 7 PM EST. We have an inspiring panel from various local organizations lined up. We will be discussing best practices and tactics of training, engaging and motivating volunteers of the future. Together, we will rise for change!  More info here:

3.      Tomorrow, Thursday, December 7th, there will be nationwide protests at Verizon stores to fight back against Verizon and the FCC's attack on net neutrality. Verizon has already taken to fighting states on their potential backlash against upcoming net neutrality rules: Let's use Battle for the Net's map to see where our nearest protest is, then join in (or create one) to show our opposition to any repeals on net neutrality:  

4.      Anti-tax bill protests are being held all over the country.  Let’s check in with Not One Penny and see if we can find one near us.  This page will also show us how to host one, too:  We can also check Stop Trump Tax Cuts to see if there is anything different listed there:

5.      FREE CLASS: The Candidate's Secret Weapon:  Monday, Dec 11, 1:00pm Eastern time -- If we are thinking about running for office, or know women who are, we can take this free webinar to learn how to be an effective candidate. Hosted by Dr. Melissa Bird, writer, professor, and speaker and Executive Political Coach, activist, and writer, Melanie Childers, we can learn everything we must have before starting and a few things we might not know, even if we're already campaigning.  Topics include A) The 9 areas we MUST nail to get our mindsets right to run an awesome campaign, B) How to tap into what fires us up and create an amazing platform, C) What we need to create the confidence to run, D) How to powerfully fundraise with passion and conviction, and E) How to get comfortable being in the spotlight.  We can learn more about the event and sign up here:

6.      Republicans are continuing to use their domination of state legislatures to push an extremist agenda, featuring bills restricting women’s and LGBT rights and strengthening the power of the wealthy ( The State Innovation Exchange is organizing a webinar on December 19th to preview what the right wing will focus on at the state level in 2018 and to offer guidance on how to fight back. We can register at this link:


1.       “The Trump administration is reportedly weighing proposals for a global, private spy network that would evade U.S. intelligence agencies and report directly to the White House and CIA Director Mike Pompeo. The plans have been developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and CIA veteran John R. Maguire, with help from Oliver North, who played a prominent role in the Iran Contra scandal, The Intercept reported late Monday. Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to create this thing that reports just directly to him,” a former senior U.S. intelligence official with firsthand knowledge of the proposals told The Intercept. “It is a direct-action arm, totally off the books. The whole point is this is supposed to report to the president and Pompeo directly.”

2.      How to talk with your family and friends over the holidays:

3.      A little political holiday humor: 

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