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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month. We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.
1. With the arrests yesterday of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and former Trump campaign official Rick Gates, along with the admission of guilt by former Trump foreign policy advisor, George Papadopoulos, concern is growing once again that Trump will act to obstruct justice by firing the special counsel: It’s going to take a strong demonstration of public will to make sure that Congress takes the necessary steps to stop this from happening – or ensures justice will prevail if Trump moves before they have a chance. Every Voice is among the many organizations organizing resisters to contact our reps and tell them to support bipartisan bills (S. 1735, S. 1741, and H.R. 3654) that would protect the investigation. Let’s call our MoCs, then let Every Voice know the results of our calls here: Let’s also ask our MoCs to make a strong public statement warning Trump there will be real consequences if he fires Mueller before this legislation is passed into law.
2. Although the Healthcare Marketplace 2018 plans are now online (, enrollment does not start until tomorrow. Due to Trump’s removal of subsidies, costs are predicted to sky-rocket in many places as we can see here: The Murray-Alexander healthcare bill is a 2-year fix that will address issues and keep people covered. need to keep on our MoCs to get this bill brought to the floor for a vote.
3. "A federal judge in Washington on Monday blocked the Trump administration from enforcing a ban on transgender people serving in the military, writing that the presidential memorandum issued by President Donald Trump in August would likely be found to violate the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.' The courts come through for us again. See item 6, 7 and 8 from yesterday's Rogan’s List for the next confirmation appointments for judges and what we can do. The courts come through for us again. See item 6, 7 and 8 from yesterday's Rogan’s List for the next confirmation appointments for judges and what we can do.
4. In response to Trump's rolling back of the contraceptive coverage mandate, Senator Patty Murray and Representative Diana DeGette have introduced legislation in the Senate and the House, which would repeal religious exemption rules in the ACA. Protect Access to Birth Control Act has 37 cosponsors in the Senate, and 74 in the House. Let's check to see if our members of Congress are cosponsors, and if they are, thank them If they are not, let's be sure to call and tell them that we want them to support this legislation. Nancy Kaffer, of the Detroit Free Press, lays out some great talking points we could mention during our calls, on why contraceptive coverage is essential:
5. This ACLU resource page helps us call the Office of Refugee Resettlement to demand release of Rosa Maria Hernandez (10 year old with cerebral palsy taken into ICE custody after surgery): This Time article has more information about Rosa’s situation:
6. The Heartbeat Protection Act (H.R. 490), introduced back in January, would ban abortions once a pregnancy reaches six weeks, or when a heartbeat is detectable. While the legislation went months with no action, the House has now scheduled a hearing with the Judiciary Committee for Wednesday, November 1st to discuss the bill We can contact Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte ((202) 225-5431) and Ranking Member John Conyers ((202) 225-5126) and ask that they oppose this incredibly dangerous legislation. Let's also be sure to call our own representative to make sure that they oppose H.R. 490
7. The Trump tax plan is gearing up and will be introduced on Wednesday. is a link to the updated tax bill timeline: Thursday, November 2 is National Call In Day to defeat the #TaxReform bill. We need to let our MoCs know that this is not a plan that will benefit most Americans and we don’t want it. Let’s take a look at the Not One Penny’s toolkit and use it to get the word out:
8. “Before Rep. Pat Tiberi takes a lucrative job heading a major Ohio business organization, he will spend a couple of months helping revamp the federal tax code in ways that likely will directly affect his future private-sector employer. They say that by agreeing to take a job at the Ohio Business Roundtable, an organization representing some of the most powerful business leaders in the state, Tiberi, a senior member of the House tax-writing committee, appears beholden to his new bosses as he begins the hard work of rewriting the tax code. Tiberi will begin his job at the roundtable sometime around Jan. 31, 2018 — after the new tax bill is scheduled to be finished. The reality here is that there is an enormous focus in this tax bill on how it will treat and benefit corporations and other business interests,” said Fred Wertheimer of the watchdog group Democracy 21. He said Tiberi “is a lame duck member of Congress. He has made the decision to leave Congress and go out and function in the private sector. ... He should not be reaching decisions that would benefit them at the expense of all taxpayers.” Tiberi should not be revamping the tax code with this huge conflict. Let’s call our Reps and ask he be removed from crafting the tax plan due to his conflict.
9. We need a clean Dream Act before December. This program should not be allowed to fade out. So many young people are in limbo at this moment after coming forward in hopes of a new, legal life here. The necessary legislation is languishing in both houses: S. 1615and H.R. 3440. Let’ use this from United We Dream to contact our legislators to impress upon them the benefits of making sure that the DREAMers can stay:
10. On Oct. 19, over the objections of Democrats, black lawmakers and some civil rights groups, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-9 to recommend the nomination of Thomas Farr to the full Senate. If confirmed, he'll serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina for a lifetime appointment. We can read the full story at WUNC. Farr is one of the judicial nominees that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may try to push through. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of more than 200 national organizations committed to promoting and protecting the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States wrote a letter to the Senate detailing their opposition to Farr: "Mr. Farr has devoted much of his 38-year legal career to restricting voting rights and defending employment discrimination. As the Congressional Black Caucus wrote in a letter last month opposing Mr. Farr’s nomination: “It is no exaggeration to say that had the White House deliberately sought to identify an attorney in North Carolina with a more hostile record on African-American voting rights and workers’ rights than Thomas Farr, it could hardly have done so.” NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) also wrote a letter of opposition to the Senate. Let's call our Senators to tell them to oppose discriminatory Thomas Farr for US District Court.
11. From one of our own: I wrote NPS earlier in the week to ask them not to increase the admission price to national parks, but we should also write Michael T. Reynolds, Acting Director of the US National Park Service, National Park Service, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240 to reinstate the grant for documenting the Black Panther Party’s legacy. They were on the forefront of providing meals and education to their communities and pointing out structural issues.[and]
12. Trump and Congressional Republicans are continuing their attack on our public lands with H.R. 3990. This bill would make it impossible to designate special landscapes as national monuments, and dramatically broaden the president’s authority to roll back existing monuments, which is why opponents have deemed it the “No New Parks” bill.’s contact our reps and tell them to publicly commit to opposing this and other efforts to block new national parks and repeal protections for the places we love, and instead work to permanently protect our public lands and waters. (H/t RESISTBOT)
13. The resolution to cut off U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen may be voted on as soon as this week. Our assistance has enabled the coalition to continue a conflict that has led to thousands of civilian deaths, famine and epidemic: Let’s contact our reps and let them know that if H. Con. Res. 81 does come up, we want them to support it, along with other measures to take away Trump’s blank check to make war.
14. One of Trump’s biggest accomplishments, and one that will be most difficult for us to roll back, is his success in moving forward lifetime nominations on the federal bench. Four extreme right-wing nominees are up for confirmation votes for seats on U.S. courts of appeals this week, starting with Amy Coney Barrett ( The lower courts don’t often receive the attention that Supreme Court seats do, and Republicans are trying to take advantage of that by pushing through these nominees without garnering much public attention. Let’s contact our senators and let them know we’re paying attention, all four of these nominees are unacceptable, and we will hold them accountable if they do not vote against them. We can find talking points and send an e-mail to them with People for the American Way at this link:
New Section: Election 2017
1. All States: Our colleagues at Flippable found that at least 100 million Americans have a state, city, or district election on November 7. That’s about 1 out of every 3 people nationwide! They’ve compiled a handy list of these elections. Let's check it out to make sure we are aware of all of our own local elections and make our plans for voting. Let's check out the information here and be sure to share it with other voters.
State Actions
1. CO: Those of us who live in Denver and participate in online activism may want to consider registering for a free digital strategy training session being offered by CREDO Action. "CREDO Action is launching a targeted program that will train and equip grassroots leaders with digital organizing skills to strategically support the resistance efforts in their state and build a stronger progressive movement. Colorado activists are invited to apply now for this free training, which will be held the weekend of November 18th-19th, 2017 in the greater Denver metro area." Apply here:
2. MA: Last week, the State Senate voted for sweeping criminal justice reform. Now the measure heads to the House of Representatives. If we’re in Massachusetts, let’s contact our State reps and tell them that we support legislation that will reduce incarceration, including ending mandatory minimum sentencing for drug offenses, diverting young people and people ill with drug addictions away from the criminal justice system and toward rehabilitation and treatment, ending solitary confinement, and enacting prison programs that will reduce recidivism rates. We can find our state reps here: use this ACLU site to contact them:
Other Actions
1. Hopefully, now that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has been indicted, Trump will not be foolish enough to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller but none of us are holding our breath! Let’s keep this mobilization resource nearby in case we face this eventuality and share with people in our communities:
2. Since Trump is sabotaging the ACA Open Enrollment Period, Rapi Castillo has created an app that gives us another to get our message out, by taking a Google Spreadshet and turning it into a Social Media Toolkit. Create your own memes and resources to spread the word here:
3. The EPA is facing the gravest threat to its existence in the form of its lead administrator, Scott Pruitt, who is ousting or silencing the agency’s scientists and replacing them with personnel straight from the industries that the EPA is supposed to regulate ( This is a textbook example of regulatory capture, a form of political corruption, and while we have no direct means of removing Scott Pruitt from the EPA, we can lend our support to the organizations fighting his dangerous pro-polluter and anti-environment agenda. For example, the Natural Resources Defense Council has a handy list of actions to take (, and a donation link as well.
4. Under the pressure of terrible publicity, the governor of Puerto Rico has cancelled the power authority’s $300 million contract with Whitefish Energy Holdings to restore power to the 70% of Puerto Ricans still without power six weeks after Hurricane Maria: Quite aside from whatever links Whitefish may have to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, the Army Corps of Engineers, ordered by Trump to restore power within 40 days, has just 7 engineering crews in PR; FEMA has not confirmed the legitimacy of the prices listed in the contract; the House Committee on Natural Resources, which oversees Puerto Rican affairs, has demanded that the power authority turn over all records connected to the contract; the inspector general’s office at Homeland Security is investigating as is PR Governor Rosselló, who has ordered an audit of the contract; and the board Congress created to oversee Puerto Rico’s financial affairs has asked a federal court to appoint a new manager to supervise the power utility. It is heartening that those in hopes of privatizing public services are being questioned, but it is imperative that we offer our support to those who are using the hurricane damage to rethink long-term disaster preparedness and clean energy solutions in Puerto Rico as well as supplying solar generators to the most underserved areas:
Resilient Power Puerto Rico
Resilient Power Puerto Rico
5. Republicans are trying to steamroll TrumpTaxScam through very quickly, with a release of the initial House Bill from Ways and Means Committee this Wednesday, November 1. The Bill is a stealthy, terrifying transfer of wealth from all of us to corporations and the 1 percent, so let's make as much noise about it as possible. In addition to calling your Reps, you can join #TheResistance’s “Halloween Tweetday” against Tax Scams. You can use the tweets here, prewritten and ready to go with just a click: We can write our own tweets using the hashtag #TaxTricksNotTreats. Here's a list of House Ways and Means Members to tweet at ,too: Happy trick or tweeting!
1. "The National Collegiate Wrestling Association (NCWA) is discriminating against women and violating its legal obligations by blocking star wrestler Marina Goocher from competing because of her gender. The courts have consistently struck down policies excluding women athletes based on gender stereotypes. Judges have held that women should be given equal opportunity to participate in athletics, including contact sports like wrestling, even if there are no women’s teams." Let's join the ACLU in asking the NCWA to let wrestler Marina Goocher complete by signing this petition. We can also write to the NCWA , Attn: Jim Giunta, Executive Director, 13111 North Central Expwy, Fifth Floor, Dallas, TX 75243. Phone: 214-378-9900.
2. Let’s join MomsRisingand sign this petition concerning the special-needs child ICE targeted, separating her from her family and the special medical care she needs! As soon as she was discharged from emergency surgery, this beautiful young girl with cerebral palsy was taken away from her family, her doctors and community, and placed in a facility over 150 miles away. Let’s tell ICE to return Rosa Maria Home to Her Family NOW:
Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize
1. This afternoon, Win Without War will be hosting a Q&A with Representative Ro Khanna about his legislation, H.Con.Res.81, which would remove United States Armed Forces from Yemen. Rep. Khanna will discuss the legislation, as well as what we can do to help make sure that it passes. If we'd like to submit a question, we can do so here Then, let's be sure to tune in from 1-1:30pm ET this afternoon (October 31st) on Win Without War's Facebook page for the Facebook Live with Rep. Khanna Finally, if we have not yet done so, let's make sure we call our representatives to ask that they support H.Con.Res. 81
2. For those who can make it, there is a “Rally to Resist the Republican Tax Bill” on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, November 1, sponsored by Not One Penny. Here is the link to the Facebook event:
3. On Thursday, November 2nd, resistance groups will be participating in a National Call In Day, where we will call our MoC to voice our opposition to the tax bill. Trumptaxscam.orghas offered call scripts for our Democratic MoC and Republican MoC Let's participate in the National Call In Day, then check out Indivisible Guide's resource on other ways we can help stop the tax bill
4. Operation Dream Act Now, sponsored by United We Dream, is scheduled for November 9 at 1pm in DC, but “young immigrants and allies across the DMV area (and nation!) will be leading school walkouts and mobilizing thousands to Capitol Hill to demand that Congress pass a clean Dream Act by December.” We can learn more here:
1. Paul Manafort’s central role in the Trump-Russia investigation, explained:
2. “Only an hour after former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was indicted on conspiracy against the U.S., money laundering and other charges on Mondaymorning, President Donald Trump’s son sent out a campaign fundraising email asking for contributions. The mass email from Eric Trump makes no reference to charges against Manafort and his former business associate Richard Gates, but the subject line reads “Still standing,” and the timing speaks volumes. “Thanks to your constant support, we have the momentum to combat their vicious attacks, and we’re working day and night to deliver on each and every promise made last November,” the site also states.” the trump base, Eric is asking for $1.00 donations by the end of the month.
3. Member of Congress Michael Capuano (D-MA) is keeping a running list of actions taken by the Trump Administration and the House of Representatives that are hacking away at our social safety net, civil rights and liberties, environmental and workplace protections, and so much more. The list is at 177 and counting. Let’s check it out:
4. It is looking all the more likely that Watergate story-breaker journalist Carl Bernstein may well be right in suggesting that Trump wants to sabotage’ Mueller investigation: