10/11/17                                                          http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

Contact Federal Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
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STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.


Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      With the North Korea situation looming, we need to remember that Trump alone is in control of using nuclear weapons. http://www.npr.org/2017/10/03/555266383/why-president-trump-has-exclusive-authority-to-order-a-nuclear-strike  Given Trump’s penchant for drama and ratings, coupled with his often irrational, vindictive persona, we are in a dangerous, uncharted time.  Fortunately, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) realized this in January and put up a bill in the House (H.R.669 - Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) put up a bill in the Senate (S. 200 - Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017)  to address this.  These bills are still sitting in committee.  The House bill is in the Committee on Foreign Affairs.  Let’s contact the members of that committee, as well as our reps, to get this bill moving for the sake of world safety.  Contact:  https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/subcommittee/full-committee/  The Senate bill is in the Committee on Foreign Relations.  Let’s contact the members of that committee as well as our senators to get this bill moving, too.  Contact:  https://www.foreign.senate.gov/about/committee-membership

2.      We are finally starting to see some movement in both the House and Senate to extend CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) 
http://cnb.cx/2grTfpQ http://nyti.ms/2fTEnU7 Each chamber has introduced bipartisan bills, which are working through their respective committees. However, the issue of money is presenting a challenge in both bills, as Democrats and Republicans debate the best method to fund the program http://strib.mn/2wKpCWT Let's check out the bills, then contact our MoC to ensure that they work together to pass legislation ASAP. S. 1827: KIDS Act: http://bit.ly/2ykY7rq H.R. 3921: HEALTHY KIDS Act: http://bit.ly/2yVjM5z

3.      The Veterans Administration is considering rolling back ethics rules that prevent their 330,000 employees from investing in for-profit colleges. The rules are meant to protect veterans from abuse by employees with a vested interest in recommending veterans seek out certain educational institutions, even when these are in these veterans’ best interests. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/business/veterans-affairs-ethics.html We have until October 16th to submit a comment objecting to the change: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/09/14/2017-19480/employees-whose-association-with-for-profit-educational-institutions-poses-no-detriment-to-veterans Let’s support our veterans and say no to a waiver on ethics rules.

4.      "A bill to reform the country's immigration detention system was introduced [last] week in the House of Representatives. The measure, the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, was introduced by Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Adam Smith (D-WA), and is co-sponsored by more than three dozen other members of Congress." per NBC News.  Let's check the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, H.R.3923, co-sponsor list for our own representatives. Let's send "thank yous" if they are co-sponsors already.  If they are not, let's ask them to co-sponsor HR3923.

5.      It appears that Trump may well unilaterally decertify the 2015 landmark international Iran nuclear deal as part of a larger Iran strategy.  Many say it is working well enough and will cause worldwide problems while attempts are made at renegotiations. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/10/trumps-iran-nuclear-deal-strategy-runs-through-a-diplomatic-minefield.html  Let’s out MoCs know that with our country and the world in such an unstable position that we want them to support diplomacy and not to risk escalation or war.

6.      The “war on women” proceeds apace.  There appears to be no understanding in Congress that allowing employers to withhold contraceptive coverage, restricting abortions at 20 weeks, the withdrawal of funds for teen pregnancy education and prevention, etc. are related.  As one letter-writer puts it in the NY Times, “What continues to be baffling and infuriating . . . is how [Trump’s] supporters (including many Republican members of this administration) seem unable to comprehend the connections between sex, contraception, unintended pregnancies, teenage pregnancies and abortion. Ignorance? Confusion? Fanaticism? Magical thinking? Madness.”  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/09/opinion/trump-contraception-birth-control.htmlApparently, we need to write and make clear these connections for our MoCs.

7.      "Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross plans to ask Congress for a massive increase in funding Thursday to salvage the 2020 Census, a program beset by cost overruns, poor preparation and a population of Americans who are less likely than at any point in recent history to self-report their existence to the federal government. The testimony in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Thursday will put Ross, a longtime champion of the Census, at the center of a potentially explosive political fight over spending for the decennial count, which has faced criticism in recent months for being dangerously underfunded.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/2020-census-needs-cash-infusion-commerce-secretary-will-tell-congress-thursday/2017/10/10/76df44be-ad06-11e7-a908-a3470754bbb9_story.html?utm_term=.af36d7aa8eac   The Census is not just a tool for genealogists. It's critical for several issues and is mandated by the constitution. Trump has still not appointed a director of the Census Bureau.  "The census is most definitely important. Our whole representative democracy is based on it," says Gordon De Jong, professor of sociology and demography and senior scientist in Penn State's Population Research Institute. "The census ensures that each community gets the right number of representatives in government." Because representation is based on population, an up-to-date tally is essential. The census also helps with the equitable distribution of public funds, De Jong says, as federal and state funding for things like educational programs, healthcare, law enforcement and highways is allocated in part based on population. "Equitably distributing the billions of dollars of public money requires up-to-date population data." http://news.psu.edu/story/141197/2009/07/27/research/probing-question-why-census-important  Let's call our legislators and encourage full funding for the Census. We all depend on its data. 

8.      The Jones Act (shipping) waiver has expired for Puerto Rico after ten days and Trump refuses to extend it.  http://thehill.com/latino/354561-white-house-lets-jones-act-waiver-expire-for-puerto-rico As this is going on, the Governor of Puerto Rico has written to Congress to ask for more aid. http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/354557-puerto-rico-governor-asks-congress-for-more-federal-aid-after Let’s stand for our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico and contact our MoC to demand increased and immediate aid.

9.      On October 4, the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed on a party-line vote the HEALTHY KIDS Act, which would extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and temporarily increase federal Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands....While this is a welcome move, it falls well short of what those U.S. territories need in enhanced federal financial support for their Medicaid programs after Hurricanes Maria and Irma." 

10.  This morning, LGBTQ people in Mississippi woke up knowing that their state now officially has the most discriminatory anti-LGBTQ laws on the books anywhere in the country, thanks to HB 1523 http://www.stltoday.com/news/world/hb-goes-into-effect/html_83ff78df-d91c-580b-a7ab-04b0b7272cfc.htmlThe Trump administration has made it clear they will not stand up for the rights of the LGBTQ community. Let’s make sure our state lawmakers know we expect them to. Let’s contact our legislators and tell them we want them to oppose any effort to replicate this bigoted law in our states, and that we want their support for extending civil rights protections to all in the next legislative session.

11.  The devastation caused by Saudi Arabia’s bombing of Yemen is heart-breaking. Millions have been pushed to the brink of famine, and hundreds of thousands have been infected with cholera. American supplies and intelligence are making this destruction possible, without authorization from Congress https://www.pri.org/stories/2017-10-09/us-lawmakers-want-stop-trump-supporting-saudi-arabias-war-yemen  A bipartisan coalition of representatives want to force a vote to make their fellow members take a stand. Let us join them in contacting our reps and asking them to co-sponsor H. Con. Res. 81. We can find a script from Just Foreign Policy here.    

12.  "On October 4, the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed on a party-line vote the HEALTHY KIDS Act, which would extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and temporarily increase federal Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands....While this is a welcome move, it falls well short of what those U.S. territories need in enhanced federal financial support for their Medicaid programs after Hurricanes Maria and Irma." 
https://www.cbpp.org/research/health/assessing-the-new-house-republican-chip-billLet's contact our House Reps and demand they increase the temporary support for Medicaid in PR and USVI, especially because these places are not in any shape to cost share. In the long run, their Medicaid programs should be funded in the same way as any other state, which they currently are not.

13.  Rather than viewing it as a positive way to start relying on renewable resources, EPA Director Pruitt wants to end tax incentives for solar and wind energy, which are set to end in 2022 and 2020 respectively, so that they instead compete with fossil fuel resources.  Perhaps he sees it as a way to promote and bring back coal.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-09/epa-chief-calls-for-ending-wind-tax-credits-to-help-coal-survive  Let’s let Pruitt and our MoCs know that we like these tax credits because they help us move into the next phase of energy.  We do not want to go backwards with fossil fuels for our health and that of the environment.  Contact Pruitt: https://www.epa.gov/home/forms/contact-epa 

State Actions

1.      DE:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when, how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have only 10 days to get 76 more supporters.  Help them reach their goal by October 21 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. Please click, add your social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share - thanks!  https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/62591-aca-signup-reminder

2.      DC:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when,  how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have only 21 days to get 75 more supporters.  Help them reach their goal by October 31 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. Please click, add your social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share - thanks!  https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/62916-dc-aca-signup-reminder

3.      ALL:  In Michigan last week, a Sanilac County Circuit judge granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender who allegedly raped the child’s mother nine years ago when she was 12.  How can this happen? Let's read this article in BBC News.  This issue reflects the larger problem at a state level of women's right with respect to custody of their child. "Seven states have no laws barring rapists from asserting their parental rights over a child." Let's check this CNN article to see where our own state currently stands on this women's rights' issue. Let's follow up by contacting our Governors and state legislators to let them know the direction we want them to take for our state.  [Update: Judge reversed his decision and stayed his order and ordered a new hearing next week :  http://www.eclectablog.com/2017/10/victory-judge-who-awarded-serial-child-rapist-joint-custody-with-his-rape-victim-stays-order.html]

4.      NM: "New Mexico’s dramatic overhaul of science education standards, which is drawing criticism from across the state and around the nation, is “troubling,” Superintendent Veronica García told Santa Fe school board members. Reading from a prepared statement, García said the state Public Education Department (PED) has “omitted key concepts, most notably, climate change and evolution.” "The proposed standards deleted language from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) referencing the “4.6-billion-year” history of the Earth, omitted entirely one mention of evolution, and eliminated references to human-caused global warming. In one case, the proposed standards would replace language about the “rise in global temperatures” with a reference to the supposed “fluctuation” in global temperatures. The new standards have not yet gone into effect; they’ll be debated at a public meeting later this month." Let's read the full stories at the 1) Santa Fe New Mexican and 2) this Mother Jones article that discusses the ways New Mexico's Public Education Department has attempted to placate the oil industry and creationists by denying our children valid science.  If we are New Mexicans, let's contact the The Public Education Department at Jerry Apodaca Education Building, 300 Don Gaspar Ave, Santa Fe NM 87501.  If we are in or near Santa Fe, let's plan to attend the scheduled a hearing to receive public input on the proposal from 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 16 in Mabry Hall at the Jerry Apodaca Education Building. Let's spread the word by telling our friends, neighbors, co-workers and people next to us in line at the store.  Let's recall that climate science is now REQUIRED in Chile in 3rd and 4th grade. Let's protect our children's education!  

Other Actions

1.      Georgetown University has adopted a Socially Responsible Investing policy, to ensure that their investments align with the university's "commitment to social justice, protection of human life and dignity, stewardship for the planet and promotion of the common good." As part of their policy, Georgetown has announced that they will be divesting funds out of the private prison industry http://bit.ly/2kEmLwX The decision to divest came after recommendations from the university's Committee on Investments and Social Responsibility (CISR)  https://publicaffairs.georgetown.edu/cisr For those of us who are attending universities, let's follow Georgetown's lead, and check to see if our colleges/universities are still invested in the private prison industry. If so, let's recommend that our Boards not only divest funds, but also install a committee similar to Georgetown's, to ensure that the university's investments align with its mission. We can also send Georgetown's president, as well as the Committee on Investments and Social Responsibility a "thank you" for their leadership and social justice work. President John J. DeGioia Office of the President 204 Healy Hall 37th & "O" Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057-1789 Phone: (202) 687-4134  Committee e-mail: cisr@georgetown.edu

2.      Numerous state Indivisible groups are launching Thunderclaps on social media to help spread information on the ACA sign up period, including state-specific phone numbers. Let's check out the list of the groups who still need more supporters for their Thunderclaps, then sign up to help them reach their goal: http://bit.ly/2y6gakp

3.      Virginia's crucial election is coming up on November 7th, although absentee voting has already begun https://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-a-ballot/absentee-voting/index.html For those of us in Virginia, let's make sure we're registered to vote before the October 16th registration deadline https://www.elections.virginia.gov/voter-outreach/ For anyone who wants to help with this election, including those outside of Virginia, we can sign up to help phone bank or canvass http://bit.ly/2yVEd2j

4.      Democracy For America has endorsed progressive candidates for 2017 elections. For those of us who would like to make sure these progressive candidates win their local elections, Democracy For America is organizing orientation and phone bank parties. Let's sign up and help flip these seats! http://bit.ly/2yaoAoM

5.      Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood producer, “was fired from his company on Sunday, days after the New York Times published a blistering investigation detailing numerous incidents of alleged sexual harassment by the media mogul over a period of nearly three decade”  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/05/us/harvey-weinstein-harassment-allegations.html Since then, a social media storm has erupted over “who knew” and may have helped to cover the story up.    https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/9/matt-damon-russell-crowe-lobbied-new-york-times-ki/ Controversy has also erupted over people who appear to be making excuses for Weinstein, such as the fashion designer, Donna Karan, who said "Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and all the sexuality?" Karan has apologized for making this statement, but her statement is an unfortunate example of one reason why victims of sexual harassment and abuse keep silent: They’re afraid of being blamed.  http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/10/entertainment/donna-karan-harvey-weinstein/index.htmlLet’s check out these resources to learn how to recognize the signs that someone needs help and tips for what we can do to support those in need: 
http://www.loveisrespect.org/for-someone-else/. This site is geared towards younger people, but most of the suggestions aren’t age-specific. For more resources we can also check out the groups listed here:  http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/18/health/iyw-health-sexual-assault-help/index.html.

6.      Congress allowed the CHIP program, which helps states provide inexpensive health insurance to children, to expire.  Hillary Clinton tweeted to remind everyone that in the 90s the parties worked together to provide this care for children.  http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/354638-clinton-urges-congress-to-reauthorize-childrens-health-care-programMomsRising.org has given us an easy way to send a letter to the editor of our local newspapers calling on Congress to extend the CHIP program:  http://action.momsrising.org/lte/CHIP_LTE_2017

7.      Take back the House! The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the official arm of the Democratic party that works to get Democrats elected to Congress, is tapping into grassroots power through a new online tool. 

8.      Generation Progressis offering us the opportunity to share our stories, that they will then share with Congress, in their “Hands Off My Birth Control” tool found here:  http://action.genprogress.org/action/hands-my-birth-control

9.      CrowdRescue HQ“is looking for Puerto Rican volunteers who live near, plan to visit, or have personal contact with people in Puerto Rico’s interior and western municipalities.  Help us get information or send us updates on conditions in those areas.”  We can sign up here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfUUtqnFYhinReHCHDySUrCOWtjl1zzdWP78Xws9ite1PNDLw/viewform#responses

10.  Public financing of elections incentivizes elected officials to be responsive to their constituents rather than to wealthy donors. That’s the lesson from Connecticut’s Citizens Election Program. Funded with monies from abandoned state property amounting to $11.75 million/year, the CEP is a “voluntary program which provides full public financing to qualified candidates for Statewide offices and the General Assembly.”  
http://www.ct.gov/seec/cwp/view.asp?a=3548&Q=489606 Average contributions from special interest donors to winning state candidates in Connecticut dropped 98% after the public financing program was adopted—from $2.1 million to $34,412 per election year.
http://www.ctnewsjunkie.com/archives/entry/special_interest_funding_drops_under_clean_election_program_10_9_2017/Around the country, Common Cause chapters are working to bring public-financing-of-elections programs and other pro-democracy elections reforms to their states. Let’s see what reforms Common Cause is working on in our state and let’s see how we can help—use this link: 


1.      Let’s join in with Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) in telling Trump and Congress that the DREAMers should not be used as bargaining chips for Trump’s wall:  https://murraysenate.bsd.net/page/s/petition-em171010-dreamers

2.      While everyone except the Latino caucus seems to be ignoring the plight of the American citizens who are living, largely without power, clean water, and food, in Puerto Rico, Climate Justice Alliance and Presente are petitioning Congress to pass an immediate, large-scale and just relief and recovery package for Puerto Rico.  Let’s join them in demanding that the US government respond to the Puerto Rican crisis: https://somos.presente.org/petitions/immediate-large-scale-just-recovery-and-relief-aid-package-for-puerto-rico/

Marches/events/teleconferences to attend/organize

1.      Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) Book Club will be discussing Evicted with author Matthew Desmond on Thursday, October 12 at 11 A.M. ET in a live Facebook chat.  We can RSVP here: http://act.corybooker.com/page/s/book-club-rsvp-october 

2.      During the week of October 16-22, MoveOn members and allies are joining together for a week of action to call on Republican members of Congress to co-sponsor the clean Dream Act.  Let’s see what is going on close to us or create our own event:  https://act.moveon.org/event/clean-dream/search/ 


1.      Whatever we think about it, it is crucial for us to know something about who is supporting which resistance group and why.  Sunday’s NYT gives us a glimpse of the big donors and the disagreements crucial to the future of our political efforts: 

2.      “Mindful resistance” is the key to defeating Trump “ -  https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/10/2/16394320/mindful-resistance-key-defeating-trump-mindfulness

3.      “Clinton warns Harris, Warren would face 'double standard' in 2020” - http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/10/clintin-warns-kamala-harris-elizabeth-warren-243616

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic part ner of the Action Alliance,
a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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