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STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.
Reports say that call numbers are low – please call.
Every day, make at least one call.
- “Reconciliation,” the fast track method for passing Senate legislation, will allow McConnell to ram the Republican version of the health care bill—which even Trump has called “mean”—through the Senate this summer, especially if there is no public outcry: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-s-health-care-bill-remains-shrouded-secrecy-n772456 It is crucial that we lend our voices to the Democrats effort to pass the “No Hearing, No Vote Act” and ensure at least a single committee vote and one hearing on a bill that could decimate our health care. We should contact our individual Senators by calling 202-224-3121, but let’s also flood McConnell with calls denouncing his secret deliberations with his all-male group of 13 Republican colleagues—202-224-2541.
- Close to twenty organizations are participating in a petition to "Defend our right to a free press." The statement is addressed to all members of Congress. Let's show that we care about freedom of the press and that we think our MoCs need to help defend it: https://petitions.signforgood.com/defendpressfreedom/
- This month, Senator Casey (D-PA) and Representative Cicilline (D-RI) introduced legislation to prevent those convicted of misdemeanor hate crimes from purchasing a gun. Let's call our MoC and ask that they support these common sense bills (S. 1324 and H.R. 2841). 5Calls has more information, phone numbers, and a call script available: https://5calls.org/issue/rec7sgeUYTnr7DJRU
- America relies on undocumented workers to make our agriculture industry work - 70% of all the farm workers who put food on our tables are undocumented. We need to be sure that these folks have some protection from Trump, for their sake and for the sake of everyone in this country who eats. Democrats led by Dianne Feinstein and Luis Gutierrez have proposed the Agricultural Worker Program Act to protect farm workers from deportation and put them on a path to legal status if they show consistent employment and meet certain other criteria. (http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/social-affairs/20170607/blue-card-bill-could-legalize-ag-workforce-in-santa-cruz-county) Let's join the United Farm Workers in asking our own members of Congress to sign on to this bill: http://action.ufw.org/page/speakout/immig617.
- New Mexico pharmacies can now prescribe birth control after pharmacists complete the required training. https://www.abqjournal.com/1015406/pharmacists-to-prescribe-birth-control.html New Mexico joins California, Colorado, and Oregon in this. Let's tell our own state legislators and governors that we would like a similar law in our own states.
- “While President Trump berates Qatar for sponsoring terrorism at the highest levels, he is simultaneously authorizing the country to purchase over $21 billion of U.S. weapons.” http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-sells-qatar-12-billion-arms-days-after-accusing-it-of-funding-terrorism/ Let’s let Trump and our MoCs know that this is not a responsible move and a misuse of our tax dollars.
- Instead of re-thinking gun control following the shooting of Rep. Scalise and others, members of Congress want more security and to be able to carry guns themselves. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/15/congress-baseball-shooting-carry-guns-239613 While this may appease their safety issues, how about the safety issues of those who attend movies, or shop, or go to school? There are better ways to make life safer for us all. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/mar/15/so-america-this-is-how-you-do-gun-control Let’s tell our legislators that enough is enough.
- From Postcards for America: All Hands on Deck for #Healthcare, so here a link to an Electronic Postcarding #PC2A (in this case *Tweeting) "TweetSheet" that makes it very simple. INSTRUCTIONS: 1) When you click on the links in this document, they will open your Twitter window (you may have to sign in), 2) The Tweet will appear, 3) Click on icon to the left of the heart (looks like two arrows in a circle) to open the retweet window, 4) then click the retweet button, and 5) Click on the heart to “Like” https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jnokya4T2mQEOaOb1FA0KA0Ivkxfc8NQhkfadNdd24A/edit
Other Actions
- On Sunday, June 25th, the Movement For Black Lives is asking that we participate in the Day of Dinners. This potluck dinner event will take place to help us connect with our communities and build deeper relationships with those around us, to ensure that as we move forward, everyone's needs are taken care of. We can learn more by checking out their video http://bit.ly/2rkFcFS Then, let's sign up to host or attend a dinner nearby: https://www.dayofdinners.org/
- The Capitol Police officers who saved the lives of so many at the Congressional baseball practice this week were heroic. It is somewhat ironic that the officers, a gay married black woman, a black man, and a Hispanic man, represent those in our country that Rep. Scalise has legislated against. goo.gl/KWKMpy. Let’s thank Special Agent David Bailey, Special Agent Crystal Griner, and Officer Henry Cabrera: United States Capitol Police, 119 D Street, NE, Washington, DC 20510
- In 2014, Migrant Justice launched the Milk With Dignity program, focusing on human rights and fair housing issues in the farm industry https://migrantjustice.net/milk-with-dignity In 2015, Ben and Jerry's signed an agreement to cooperate, yet they have still not taken any further action to protect the rights and ensure safety of the farmworkers who are employed at the dairy farms which supply ingredients for Ben and Jerry's. This Saturday, June 17th, Migrant Justice will be marching to Ben and Jerry's Waterbury, VT plant to ask that Ben and Jerry's join the Milk With Dignity program, as originally promised. Those of us who would like to support the cause can find out more information, including march details and donation info here: http://bit.ly/2st1YPa
- "Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity responded to a bombshell report claiming President Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice on Wednesday and called on special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to resign Wednesday. Mueller and Rod Rosenstein? Recuse themselves, resign immediately,” Hannity said on Fox News. The conservative firebrand cited Mueller’s conflicts of interest with ousted FBI Director James Comey as reason for him to resign." The Fox News star dismissed the Washington Post’s report, saying the newspaper is “once again citing anonymous sources as if they haven’t been wrong enough recently.” This "journalist" from FOX needs to start telling the truth. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/337905-hannity-calls-on-mueller-rosenstein-to-resign Let’s tell Hannity and Fox News that the Washington Post is real news and his uninformed comments are misleading the public especially when we all need to hear the truth. Contact: FOX NEWS +1-888-369-4762, Comments@foxnews.com HANNITY: tweet. @seanhannity
- On May Day, thousands of immigrants, workers, activists and allies went on strike as part of a national Day Without Immigrants to fight back against Trump's brutal anti-immigration agenda. (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/latino-immigrants-workers-rally-may-day-day-without-immigrants-n753396) Now the advocacy group Cosecha is getting ready to take things a step further and launch a season of national boycotts. Want to help? Up for a trip to Birmingham, Omaha, Boston, San Jose, Grand Rapids or New Jersey? You can sign up for one of the regional gatherings to help launch the boycotts here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/cosecha-juntas-regionales
- PBS will be running a 3-hour pro-DeVos education-agenda series called "School, Inc." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/pbs-school-inc-devos-documentary_us_593ff88ee4b02402687ce613 PBS has responded on why they are running this. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/06/13/ravitch-why-is-pbs-running-this-education-documentary/?utm_term=.7bbf698cc574 Let’s tell all our PBS-watching friends to be on the watch for this propaganda. Let’s follow this recommendation from the Network for Public Education:. 1) Write your email to PBS by going here. 2) Call PBS and register your complaint and ask that they broadcast Diane Ravitch's response to School, Inc. and the film, Backpack Full of Cash. Here is the number to call: 1-703-739-5000. 3) Contact your local station and ask them to do the same. If your station has not played the series, ask them not to. You can find your local station's number here. All PBS stations are independent.
- Single-payer health care legislation is under consideration in at least 15 states, and Healthcare-Now! is gathering the data on these legislative efforts from across the country: https://www.healthcare-now.org/legislation/state-single-payer-legislation/ We can check their list to see if a campaign is underway close to home and, if there isn’t, get information about how to begin one. Physicians for a National Health Program has posted an excellent explanation of the effects of a single-payer system: http://www.pnhp.org/resources/public-citizens-response-to-chcwg-interim-recommendations Organizing for universal healthcare in our states may be our only way to counter the disaster of Trumpcare.
- Many medical students are taught to stop and take their own pulse before going headlong into running a code when a patient is arresting. As the news of the Congressional baseball shootings sinks in, we have this same opportunity to pause, take our own pulse, and make sure we use our energy effectively: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/each-of-us-has-the-power-to-exploit-the-baseball-shooting-what-happens-next-matters/2017/06/14/0301c2b2-511a-11e7-be25-3a519335381c_story.html?utm_term=.c0bec065b4e3
- While we were paying attention to other things, previously unannounced directives will limit the Department of Justice’s use of a civil rights enforcement tool, and loosen the Department of Education’s requirements on investigations. https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-administration-rolls-back-civil-rights-efforts-federal-government
- From one of our own: Take Care, is a blog “devoted to insightful, accessible, and timely legal analysis of the President’s adherence to [his] duty” to take care that the laws are faithfully executed. For those worried about the rule of law in an Age of Trump (or indeed in any age), the Take Care Blog will be an essential resource. https://takecareblog.com/
Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/ --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance