16 Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

 (To enlarge the pictures click on them)

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

Paul gives us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 the key to being joyful always--that is to pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your prayers and financial support during 2014. We've been blessed beyond measure!

Let us share with you some ministry blessings:

“Hands On” Bible College

In our last report we presented the need of $10,000 to reach the 2015 budget goal of $13,860 for our “Hands On” Bible College program. Our Lord is so gracious and we received a gift of $10,000 for this purpose last month. This meets the need to institute “Hands On” Bible College in Angola, Guinea Bissau, and Portugal and at all BROLM churches in Brazil in 2015. We will also include the two new church plants in Fortaleza and Recife as well work toward offering the “Hands On” Bible College online. Thank you Lord!

Outreach in Pirituba

August 2nd, the Pirituba Church promoted a friendship tea and Monica spoke; people love to hear her speak. These friendship teas are great opportunities for the members to bring their families and friends.  There were several visitors at this outreach! What a blessing!

Southeast Brazil Convention

On August 9th leaders and members from most of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ of Southeast Brazil met for the annual convention at the Campo Limpo Paulista Church. This is only a one day event; however, it is a great opportunity to worship our Lord and fellowship with brothers and sisters from several locations. Brother Gerson, my Dad’s (Tom Fife) Timothy, minister at the Taguatinga Church in Brasilia and President of the National Convention was the main speaker. Praise the Lord!

 Bom Retiro Church Anniversary

During the month of August we worked on fixing the roof, replacing the pulpit carpet with title, fixing miscellaneous items, and installing new lighting at the Pirituba Church.

New Youth Program

 During the summer we worked with Ricardo and Denise, volunteer youth leaders, to help them revitalize the youth program at the Pirituba Church. Ricardo is an Oral Surgeon and his wife Denise is a Dentist; they have a passion for the youth and do a great job. After many planning meetings, we launched the new youth program on August 23. They are meeting on Saturdays for worship, teaching, Bible trivia, snacks, and lots of fellowship. The big hit for them is the ping pong table! The new program is going very well. We already have 19 youth that will participate in the multi-church Youth Camp that will be held in February 2015.

 Pirituba Baptism

 On August 24th I (Jeff) had the privilege of baptizing Iza and Davi. Iza's mom Romilda has been a member of the Pirituba Church for the last 20 years. Iza is 49 years-old, a single mom that would come to church once in a while, and always told me she would never be baptized. I heard this for years! However, this year something new happened. Iza finally understood God’s plan for salvation and her life was totally changed! Davi, who is 14 years old, has parents, Marcio and Simone, who have been members at Pirituba for the last 16 years, and we have known Davi since he was a little boy. It is always a great joy to baptize those you've known for many years. It is very special to see them make the decision to have Christ has their only savior.

We will be at Seymour Heights Christian Church Nov 30th. Jeff will preach in both services. If you would like us to visit your church, please contact us soon as we are planning to leave to Brazil in January 2015.

Prime Time FCC-JC
We will be at First Christian Church in Johnson City Dec 14th sharing with the Prime Time Sunday School Class at 11 am.

BROLM Board 

 BROLM Board met on Nov 12. At the meeting Brother Tim Shields, who has been serving as Chairman for BROLM, announced that he will be working as Executive Director with HCM (Hisportic Christian Mission). For this reason he tendered his resignation. Brother Jim Knowles assumed the position as Interim Chairman for BROLM! We thank Tim Shields for his service with BROLM and we pray the Lord will bless him as he works with HCM. Please pray as we search for new board members and a new Chairman for BROLM.

ICOM 2014

We had a great time at ICOM (International Conference on Missions) in Columbus, OH, Nov 13-16. Great fellowship, worship and messages focused on prayer. It is always good to see old friends and meet new ones at ICOM.

God is doing great things through BROLM, and your prayers and support are vital! Please continue to pray so the Lord will use BROLM more and more for His honor and glory!

May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Thanks for praying for us!

Jeff & Monica Fife

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