Dear friends and prayer warriors,
Greetings from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking World! We have great news, and also a great opportunity for you!
Brazil River of Life Ministries' (BROLM) mission is to reach the Portuguese-Speaking World (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, São Tome and Principe, Portugal and USA) for Jesus Christ, so they can reach the rest of the world. BROLM believes that its mission can be achieved through its vision of reaching the lost through Evangelism, mentoring and equipping through Discipleship, Planting New Churches, providing Assistance and Justice where needed.
The main reason why BROLM is based in Brazil is because Brazilians have the prospect of becoming even more involved in the Great Commission, in going to the entire world and making disciples of Jesus Christ! Therefore, BROLM started a school to train workers for the harvest - the “Hands ON” Bible College/Leadership Training. The Brazilians are willing to fulfill the Great Commission; however they need to be trained!
To keep the school operating, BROLM needs $7,000 (US Dollar) per year; one of our supporters is challenging other supporters to match their giving towards the “Hands On” Bible College. They will match your giving toward the school in Brazil for up to $2,500 (US Dollar); however you need to act quickly. We have until December 31, 2012 to match this giving.
If you cannot donate towards this matching challenge before Dec 31, 12, you can still give during 2013, and still be considered for this matching challenge. Send us a note saying when and how much you can donate during 2013, and your giving will be considered towards this matching challenge.
Please, help BROLM to reach its 2013 financial goal for the “Hands On” Bible College!
Thanks for your prayers and support, they are vital for our ministry!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife

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