MAY 2011

Dear friends,

Greetings from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking world!

On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:37-38NIV).

People all over the world are thirsty for God’s Word. Jesus says that anyone that is thirsty and believes can drink of His living water; not only so, but after drinking of his living water we will have rivers of living water overflowing from our heart into other people's hearts. What a pleasure we believers have, in being given the opportunity to bring the Living Water, Jesus, to others through His Holy Spirit.

Here is a word from Kleber and Juracema, Brazilian missionaries working with the Makua people, one of the most unreached people groups in the world, in North Mozambique.

“Dear Brothers and Sisters,

“We arrived in Mozambique in 1996, but in 2005, we took a bigger step of faith. We made this "step", not because we wanted to do something "big" for God, but were moved by human needs, and desire only to serve the Lord. We leaped into the dark, not sure of anything, and bare hands we could sign, but that God was with us in this journey.

“Since 2005 God has blessed us so much; we're growing in all directions, as a church, school, social work, leadership training, and other areas. Let me share a brief summary in pictures, with you being an essential part of this project, via prayer, giving, going. You have blessed the work in Mozambique.

“We are fully convinced of the goodness of God toward us and the miracle that he has done in Mozambique over the past 5 years.

“Goals for 2011:

“Strengthening and growth of churches in Nampula and the coast (until 2005 there were 34 churches planted now there are 58);

“Training and awakening of new leaders (until 2005 there were fewer than 30 leaders trained; now over 100 are trained and are training others);

“Desks for Hope Education Center (2011 enrollment of over 700 students from 1st to 8th grades - to offer 9th through 12th grades the government requires desks);

The goal is to purchase 400 desks ($10,000.00US). Through the generosity of God’s people, BROLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) been able to raise $4,100.00US for this purpose; but still need $5,900.00US. Would you please consider helping us reach this goal? With only $25.00US you can provide a desk. Send your check to BROLM with a note saying: “Desks Moz”. Thanks!

“Construction of a new dining hall (the dining hall is very small);

“Electricity on the entire Hope mission in Nampula (only the main building has electricity, the material cost in Mozambique is very high);

“Construction of residence for the missionaries (Kleber and Juracema rent an apartment in downtown Nampula and would like to move to the mission, and also build a guest house so that others, when they come to help, would have a place to stay);

“In the love of Christ,

“Kleber and Juracema

Please pray for Kleber and his family; his Mom died in April. Pray for Kleber and Juracema as they return to Mozambique on May 5.


The “Hands On” Bible College will officially resume its classes on May 21. Our students are very excited waiting for this re-start. Thanks to your generosity we have $1,600.00US designated for this purpose; that will take us through 2 months of school so please continue your giving towards the “Hands On” Bible College and consider supporting one student. We have 10 students and we need $70.00 US per student per month to keep the College going.

The work in Brazil is doing very well; in our next newsletter we will report on the work there.
We have been busy visiting all of our supporters and possible future supporters. The other day Dr. Jeanes (Milligan President) mention to me (Jeff) as we were talking that it is hard to travel the way we travel, plus all the work in keeping the ministry running in Brazil and Mozambique, and study at the same time. I told him that God has been gracious with us! Monica was able to transfer all of her Bible credits and "clepped" language so she is already a junior.

One of our travels took us to Atlanta, where HCM (Hisportic Christian Mission) has a Portuguese-Speaking church plant. BRLM and HCM are partners in reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World. Carl Bookout (Executive Director for HCM) has been in Brazil visiting our work and we have developed a good relationship. Our Brazilian friends Sergio and Marcia Santos came from Brasilia to Atlanta to plant this new church. During Easter, we worked with Sergio on a church retreat that they promoted that weekend. The whole church went to Brother Sergio's house and stayed there Saturday and Sunday. They had about 30 to 40 people most of the time. It was a great time of fellowship and growing in God’s presence. The immigrants that speak Portuguese live a very lonely life and they require lots of attention. During the time we were there, we had the opportunity to share as whole and on a personal level with individuals and couples. They had a great program for the children. Sergio and Marcia have a little boy, Gabriel, born in Dec 2010. We intend to continue to help this new church plant in the next few months.

Roger turn 18 on April 30, and he is graduating from High School. He intends, if accepted and he receives scholarships to start College at Milligan in fall. Roger wants to study History, Youth Ministry and Coaching; he wants to use sports as a point of interest to reach youth for Christ.

The last time we arrived in the USA the immigration officer at the airport told us that Monica need to renew her Green Card that expired in 2008 and because of her brain surgery she was not able to renew. However, the immigration officer told us that this would be the last time that she will be able to get a Green Card, he told us that she needs to become an American citizen if she wants to freely come and go from the USA. He also told us that US Government will not renew Green Cards in the future, according to him a person that has a Green Card should become an American Citizen. So we started the processes of renewing Monica’s Green Card as soon as we arrived, we have spent about $3,000US in the process, and by God’s grace on June 2 Monica will have her interview to renew her Green Card. As soon as she receives the Green Card we will start her naturalization process. Roger, Isaac and I we have dual citizenship, and God willing, Monica will have hers too. This way we can come and go as needed without worry about this anymore. Please pray for the interview on June 2, in Memphis, TN.

We leave to Brazil right after Monica’s Green Card interview. Pray for us, we need to raise $4,800.00 for travel expenses so we can go.

A special thanks to all the churches we have visited and all the homes that have been opened so we can stay, We been truly blessed by your hospitality everywhere we've been. May the Lord richly bless each one of you in Christ Jesus!

Your prayers and financial support are vital for us! Please continue to pray for us - we need all the prayers we can get!

God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

In His love and service,

Jeff, Monica, Roger and Isaac Fife

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