Some new additions ..... Nov 2010

Skipper removing obsolete cabling  

25 November 2010

I haven't been too idle. There's a couple of additions below. On this years Cruising Summary - Cruisin, Boozin & Snoozin 2010, (either arrow down or click on Yearly Roundups in the Labels) I have now added a map of all the anchorages for this season. You can click on the anchor and get a brief description of the anchorage.

I have also added the "Cost of Cruising" at the end of that blog post. This covers all our cruising related expenses for our 2010 Season.
Fat Freddy the Fender, winner of the best
 dressed fender competition

Also added is another Balvenie Blog (as if one isn't keeping me busy enough). This is our Cruising Info Blog for those behind us that love all info but don't need all the great pictures and stories when they want to print it off. So if you are one of those take a look at

I am very receptive to feedback on both my blogs so send us an email (with Balvenies blog in the subject) with anything.

Now back to the sewing machine, in the middle of 9 new fender covers, running a little short of fabric so have commandeered a rather over-sized sweatshirt for our big fat ball fender, he is now looking so dapper I'm not sure he should be put back into service!!!    Meanwhile Skipper is playing in our 'spaghetti junction' removing all the wiring related to the obsolete equipment we have removed, we are nearly up to 200 metres removed!!!!  - what fun
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