Fusilier Jonathan Burgess killed in Afghanistan

It is with sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the death of Fusilier Jonathan Antony Burgess, who died in Afghanistan on 7 April 2010.

Fusilier Burgess, of 3 Platoon, A Company, 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, died as a result of gunshot wounds following a small arms engagement in the Nad 'Ali area of Helmand province. At the time his Multiple (half a platoon) was on patrol to disrupt insurgents who were focussed on stopping the British soliders and their Afghan partners from protecting local communities within the area.

Fusilier Jonathan Antony Burgess

Fusilier Jonathan Burgess was born in Swansea, South Wales, on 9 July 1989. He was brought up in Townhill where he attended the local Primary School and Bishop Gore Comprehensive. After school he studied catering and worked in a restaurant.

On completion of the Combat Infantryman Course at the Infantry Training Centre Catterick, he joined the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh in May 2008. He was initially posted to Episkopi Garrison, Cyprus.

Since joining the Battalion, Fusilier Burgess has conducted a demanding overseas exercise to Kenya and also the pre-deployment training package, prior to deploying on Op HERRICK 11.

During his four months in Afghanistan Fusilier Burgess had been a key member of 3 Platoon and had conducted both aviation assault and ground holding operations.

Fusilier Burgess was engaged to be married to Kelly Forrest. He leaves behind father, Royston, mother, Susan, sisters, Tracy and Suzanne, and brothers, David, Christopher and Ashley.

The family of Fusilier Jonathan Burgess, and his fiancée, Kelly, paid the following tribute:

"Jonathan was a loving and caring man who enjoyed life to full. He had an infectious smile that would brighten up anyone's day. We were all very lucky to have had such a wonderful person in our lives. he was a much loved son, brother, friend and fiancé and would have been an amazing father to his baby girl. He will be greatly missed by us all. He will always be our hero."

Lieutenant Colonel Nick Lock, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh (1 R WELSH) Battle Group, said:

"Fusilier Jon Burgess was the epitome of a Welsh infantry soldier; fiercely proud of being a Royal Welshman and of the job that he was doing in Afghanistan.

"A real character in both his Platoon and Company he could always be relied upon to lift the spirits of his mates. He had already shown himself to be a natural leader, stepping up to command when required; he was marked out for early promotion.

"He had come into his own in Afghanistan, growing in confidence throughout our time here rising to the many challenges that operations threw at him. He was a tough and dependable field soldier who would always be there for his mates.

"Jon had been working with his Multiple in the Showal area since the start of Operation MOSHTARAK.

"They have all made a real difference to the lives of the people in the area, keeping the insurgents at bay and ensuring that the people can live their lives in peace.

"Jon was killed in a fire fight with insurgents, fighting alongside his comrades as he always did with a cool head and immense courage.

"All members of the Battle Group are truly shocked by the news of Jon's death. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and especially his fiancée, Kelly, who is expecting their daughter. They can be justly proud of their Welsh Warrior, greatly missed, but never forgotten."

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