I can see Capetown now Bahrain has gone

Well, wasn't that a fantastic match last night. I was able to watch it live on the Internet. The last time we qualified for the World Cup, goal-scorer Rory Fallon was not even born and his dad was the assistant coach of the All Whites.Leo Bertos, who kicked the corner that led to the goal, was actually born on the very day of the 1981 game against Saudi Arabia that got New Zealand on the road to Spain in 1982.

Not only did we qualify for the World Cup for the second time ever, #AllWhites was the top trending topic on Twitter. That is some feat to get a New Zealand topic trending on Twitter but it confused the American tweeters somewhat, as they thought we were a little racist. When told that the All Whites were actually a football team, and the All Blacks were the country's rugby team they started to understand a bit, although they sniggered when told the national badminton team was called the Black Cocks.

The All Whites are going to be household names. New Zealand will be soccer mad next year and I think some people under 25 are going to be shocked at the extent of this football frenzy. It's going to be a boon for the soccer clubs, especially for the juniors. It was in 1982 when we were "on our way to Spain", and now we're on our way to South Africa. Bahrain coach Milan Macala has now been in charge of six national teams that did not make it to the World Cup.

Oh, and the All Blacks played last night.

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