More on the busy busy cult of Brian

Garth George did really have one big scoop. But TV3 were also on the case on the cult of Brian. Cultwatch has upgraded Destiny's rating from caution to danger. Destiny was featured on Campbell Live last night [you can see that online here].Campbell Live had a plant in last weekend's Destiny conference, but, despite Destiny's claims that they have an open door policy, they wouldn't let TV3 reporter David Farrier in.

[ Update:This has now been confirmed by TV3 news boss Mark Jennings]

Now Destiny is claiming the story was grossly inaccurate without specifying what parts are inaccurate, even when asked. I spoke to Destiny's Janine Cardno today and asked her for just one inaccuracy. She said she was too busy to do that - but said she had a "whole list" So, at her request I have asked for that list. Also Destiny hasn't even given one thought as to whether to take the programme to the Broadcasting Standards Authority - Cardno said they were too busy to do that, too.

I suggest you also check out MacDoctor's excellent post on the cult of Brian. He says it well and fairly.
It is obvious from what we see of the contents of this covenant, that members are not encouraged to do anything except accept the words of Tamaki. I suspect that, if God calls a Destiny church member to do something great for Him outside of Tamaki’s ambit, He is going to have to speak very loudly indeed. This covenant is probably the most restrictive, crushing thing I have ever seen.

What Brian Tamaki has created here is not a church, but a personality cult centered around him. Check out the Close Up interview of him here and count how many times he mentions himself and his achievements. How many times does he mention Jesus Christ? Once.
Well done. Here's Living Colour.

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