Queen’s Colour Squadron Uxbridge Parade

Thousands of children and members of the public line the streets in Uxbridge as the town throws a spectacular welcome home parade for the 63 Squadron RAF Regiment, the Queen’s Colour Squadron, which has been on a six month tour of duty in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

The Army Air Corps band led the Squadron in a parade through Uxbridge town centre before attending a medal presentation ceremony at RAF Uxbridge. Residents came out to celebrate the Squadron’s return and show their appreciation to the armed forces by coming along to the parade.

The parade began near Uxbridge Magistrates Court at High Street and Braybourne Close at 10.15am before marching through the town centre. The Squadron, which is based at RAF Uxbridge, exercised their right of Freedom of Entry and marched with colours flying and carried weapons with fixed bayonets.

Shortly before the parade the bells of St Margaret’s Church rang in honour of the troops. Hillingdon Council is supporting the RAF to organise the event.

Councillor Ray Puddifoot, leader of the council, said: “It’s an honour to be able to welcome these men and women home. They put their lives in danger to protect us and do a fantastic job serving our country.”

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