Tuesday Night discussion of Technology Standards - What does it mean to be literate

Tune in tomorrow night at worldbridges.net for our interview with Patsy Lanclos.

Patsy was chairman of the Texas Technology Standards that set up the standards for the State of Texas for technology literacy. She will be the guest on the Women of Web 2.0 EdTechTalk tomorrow night -- The Wow2 podcast is at http://worldbridges.net/ or http://edtechtalk.com/

You should go to EdTechTalk and sign in the chat room and you can either go to http://skypecasts.skype.com and search for our skypecast (Search for Women of Web 2) or listen in at Worldbridges.net (usually we are channel 1).

We look in the chat room to take questions for the speaker.

We will be discussing -- What does it mean to be technically literate? How should we as educators respond?

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