Ahmad Batebi, pivotal student leader of the July 1999 student uprising in Iran (pictured), who had been on furlough from prison for one year, was re-arrested at his home in Tehran on Saturday, July 29th. The Islamic regime’s hollow justification for the freedom-fighter’s abduction, is that Batebi’s furlough term had run out and that Batebi should have turned himself in. The regime’s judiciary and Ministry of Intelligence and Security therefore pursued and abducted Batebi who had married and was living a quiet life during his one year of furlough. For now however, Batebi’s whereabouts are entirely unknown to everyone, including his wife, Somaya, his parents and friends. Somaya Batebi says that her husband had vowed that should he be re-arrested, he will immediately go on hunger strike as protest against the Islamic regime’s oppression. She adds that the only thing that is known about her husband’s whereabouts is that he is being detained in an unknown location and not Evin prison where many political prisoners are detained and where Batebi himself had been previously incarcerated.The regime's leaders have made similar threats to execute its political prisoners in the past. Such statements should make clear to the civilized world the nature of the regime in Tehran we are dealing with.
These days, as Iranians everywhere mourn the Islamic regime’s brutal murder of another student leader and national hero, Akbar Mohammadi [who was tortured to death on Sunday, July 30th, 2006, by the regime’s jailors], Batebi and all other innocent men and women, political prisoners in Iran should not be ignored.
The Islamic Republic has now specifically announced that should their nuclear dossier be voted for referral by the United Nations Security Council for sanctions in the August round of voting, that all political prisoners, whether on furlough or in prison, will be summarily executed. READ MORE
As the Islamic regime kills off Iranian patriots and freedom-fighters that fight against their tyrannical and archaic religious rule, they dole out money that belongs to the people of Iran to their terrorist flunkies. The Mullah regime cares nothing for the lives of the people of Lebanon and they are wholly responsible for creating the chaos in that hostage-country. The only reason why they are sacrificing the people of Lebanon and our own innocent patriots who are their prisoners is to buy time for their nuclear dossier and nothing else.